Cards (8)

  • Define imprinting 

    learning that occurs for a short time in very young
    animals of certain species
    Animal identifies with another animal or a large object
    This ensures that young animals follow their parents + avoid danger + survive + learn skills from parents
    Animal will relate to the imprinted animal for rest of life
  • Define habituation
    learning where response to a stimulus decreases if stimulus is not reinforced
    ignore stimuli as it will have no benefit towards survival
  • conditioning
    learning via association
    requires a reward or a punishment to reinforce the behaviour

    • The usual stimulus (unconditional) is replaced by a new stimulus (conditional). The animal learns to respond to both producing the same response.
    • Behaviour = same, Stimulus = different
    • normal behaviour is rewarded or punished
    • if rewarded = more likely to repeat behaviour
    • if punished = less likely to repeat behaviour
    • Behaviour = bad behaviour eliminated, appropriate behaviour reinforced
  • Continuous reinforcement
    Responses are reinforced
    Schedules of intermittent reinforcement affect the rate of response, the acquisition of a behaviour, and resistance to extinction
    if continuous used: learning of behaviour = quicker, extinction will also occur quicker
  • Latent/Exploratory learning
    Storing information that has survival value for later
    e.g learning layout of territory to escape predators
    Enables animals to survive longer
  • Insight learning
    involves animals using several past experiences and
    synthesising them in order to solve a problem.
    involves thoughts and reasoning
  • extended parental care
    care occurring over a long period
  • Innate behaviour Learned behaviour
    inherited not inherited
    not changed by environment changed by environment
    inflexible adapts to new circumstances
    similar in species/breed differs between individuals in species species