
Cards (50)

  • Industrial workers?
    -Under Weimar many workers had belonged to independent trade unions and politically generally voted left-wing
    -At first the Nazis shut down all trade unions but in May 1933 workers could join the Labour front.
  • What happened with the Labour fronts membership?

    Went from 5 million in 1933 to 22 million in 1939. It became responsible for things like; setting working hours and wages, dealing harshly with any signs of disobedience, running training schemes for apprenticeships, Beauty of Labour.

    But the obvious and most significant benefit was creation of employments. By the late 1930s Germany had full employment but working hours increased from 43 in 1933 to 47 in 1939. Once the war set in pressure only increased.
  • Small farmers?

    A sustainable number of farmer debts and mortgages were written off, government maintained expensive tariffs to reduce imports, the introduction of the Reich Entailed Farm Law of 1933 and The Reich Food estate established in 1933 supervised evert aspect of agriculture production and distribution.
  • Peasents
    The Nazi ideology 'Blood and soil' promoted by Richard Darre seemed as if there was a real sympathy for peasants role in society. It portrayed peasantry as the purest element of the Volk, providers of Germanys food and symbol of traditional values.
  • Though what did farmers soon think of these regulations?
    They became increasingly resented and the REFL also caused resentment and family discontent. Then in 1939 men were increasingly conscripted to military fronts so problem of shortage of agricultural labour exacerbated
  • Landowners?

    They resented the political interference of the party, but above all they feared the Nazis would redistribute the large landed estates. However they soon learned to live quite comfortably with the Nazi regime and in the years before 1939 their economic interests were not really effected. The real blow came in 1945 when the occupation of eastern Germany by the USSR resulted in the nationalisation of land. The traditional social and economic supremacy of the German landowners was broken.
  • Big businesses?

    The influence of big businesses remained very significant. The value of German industry steadily increased as shown by the following;
    -The share price index increased from 41 points in 1932 to 106 in 1940 while annual dividends to investors grew from an average 2.83% to 6.6% overt the same period
    -The improvement of salaries of management from an average 3700RM in 1934 to 5420RM in 1938 also reflected economic growth
  • What did the war bring for big businesses?

    It provided enormous opportunities for taking over foreign property, land and companies eg Oskar Schihaler, Herman businessman set up business in Krakow in 1939 and drew much of his work force from the Jewish labour camp. After initially exploiting these workers he eventually saved thousands from extermination
  • What about the Mittlestand?
    Research shown in elections from 1930-1933 the Mittlestand had voted for Nazism in greater proportion than the rest of German society and the Nazi regime was keen to take sympathetic measures to maintain that support ;
    -The government used the money available from the confiscation of Jewish businesses to offer low interest rate loans
    -It introduced the Law to Protect retail trade (1933) against large department stores of which many were Jewish. This banned the opening of new department stores and taxed the existing ones
    -It imposed a host of new trading regulations to protect small craftsmen
  • What did the cost of small businesses mean?

    They couldn't compete with the lower costs of the large departments. Moreover the problem was made worse by the Nazi preference for big business. In 1933 20% of the owners of small businesses were under 30 years old and 14% over 60. By 1939 the corresponding figures were 10% under 30 and 19% over 60 which highlighted the ageing trend of the Mittlestand. The truth is that the Mittlestand found itself being significantly squeezed out.
  • What was Hitler's ultimate plan?
    A 'Thousand Year Reich' in which the Nazis would rule forever. He believed that the way to achieve this was to win the support of the young people of Germany. He therefore began a nationwide programme of indoctrinating young people. This was done by controlling the education system.
  • What did the teachers have to do?

    Swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler and join the Nazi Teachers' League. If they did teach in accordance to the party's beliefs they would be sacked. Jewish teachers were automatically sacked
  • Who was in charge of the education system from 1934?

    Berhnard Rust
  • What changes did Hitler make to the education system?
    -The only language taught was German (to promote the German empire, how there was no need for another language as the Nazis would take over) and to create 'a consciousness of being German'
    -Biology became means to deliver the Nazi race theory, ethnic classification, population policy and racial genetics were all integrated into the syllabus
    -History so the glories of German nationalism could be emphasised, the stab in the back myth at Versailles ect
    -Much greater emphasis on physical education was 15% of all school work to get boys ready for the army and girls for motherhood
    -RS was dropped to downgrade the importance of Christanity
  • Hitler Youth
    Organizations set up under Hitler to train an educate German young people in Nazi beliefs
  • What did the Hitler Youth do?
    - sang political songs, read nazi songs and paraded through towns
    -The sexes were moulded for their future roles in Nazi society
    boys = prep for military, map reading and firing rifles
    girls = domestic duties
  • What did Hitler Youth offer?

    The emphasis on teamwork and extracurricular activities was to be commended-especially when compared to the limited provision available in many European countries. So the provision for camping, sports and music genuinely excited many youngsters- and those from poorer backgrounds the HJ offered many opportunities.
  • Kurturkampf (Cultural Struggler)

    The struggle between the Catholic church and the German state in the 1870s when Bismarck was chancellor .
  • What was Nazism vs Christianity?
    Nazi's were based upon 'Strength, War and Violence' and Christianity was 'Love, Forgiveness and Neighbourly Respect'. Immediately Hitler wanted any member of the church with Jewish ancestry sacked.
  • Nazis with the Protestant Church

    The SA were encouraged to go to Protestant church service. He began by making people believe that Protestants and the state could go hand in hand. A new church constitution was formulated in July 1933 led by Ludwig Muller, Reich Bishop. Their slogan was 'The swastika on our belts, the cross in our hearts.' Opposition soon developed, this group upheld Orthodox Protestantism and were led by Pastor Niemuller. By 1934 7,000/17,000 pastors supported this.
  • Nazis with the Catholic Church

    -The Catholic Church wanted to avoid Kurturkampf, resulting in Hitler and the Pope coming up with the Concordat in 1933
    -Guaranteed the Catholic Church religious freedom
    -Nazis would not interfere with Catholic Church property+ legal rights
    -Nazis accepted the church would control their own education
    -The Catholic church would not interfere with politics
  • What was the problem with the Concordat?
    It was good short term. Hitler tried to keep both churches quiet. He did this so he could establish his dictatorship. His interference with religious affairs began to bring about resentments. From 1937, Hitler began to arrest Catholics 200 priests were arrested on charges of sexual and financial impropriety. In 1937 Pope Pius XI issued a Papal Bull over what was happening. Cardinal Galen spoke out against the Nazi Reigme.
  • What was the role of women pre 1933?

    -Married and unmarried women were encouraged to have children
    -The ideal man was a matter of personal choice
    -Women sat in the Reichstag
    -Women were free to smoke and wear makeup
    -There were 3000 female doctors
  • Women's role in Germany post 1933?

    -Married women were encouraged to have children
    -Women were told the idea husband was Aryan
    -Loans were offered to brides who agreed not to take a job
    -The Honour Cross of the German mother was awarded according to how many children you had
    -Female doctors and civil servants were sacked.
  • What were the 3 things Nazi women were supposed to be interested in?
    Kinder, Kuche, Kurche (Children, Kitchen, Church)
  • What were women meant to do?
    Keep their body, mind and spirit pure and health was essential for physical beauty
  • What was available for women from 1933?

    Interest-free loans of 600RM were made available to young women who withdrew from the labour market in order to get married. The depression also helped the Nazis as it meant it was justified campaigning for women to give up work to benefit men
  • What happened with the percentage of women employed?

    Fell from 37% in 1933 to 31% in 1937.
  • Why did the Nazi regime not fully exploit the availability of women working?
    -Appeal for women doing war work was not convincing. Long hours on arms factories with added responsibilities of maintaining a household and raising children and the Nazi's had added benefits for having more children
    -Farming responsibilities. Women played a big role. The shortage of agricultural labour had been a problem in the 130s but once men were sent to war it got worse meaning women had to meet the continuous demands of running a farm. From 1944 it was estimated 65% of the agricultural workforce were women.
  • +What had happened to the anti-feminist ideology when the war started?
    It could only be upheld if economic growth slowed down which would restrict the rearmament programme. In 1943 Speer tried to mobilise the economy by suggesting the conscription of women but faced opposition from Bormann, Sauckel and Hitler himself
  • What happened to the employment level between 1937-39?

    Rose from 5.7 million to 7.1million
  • Marriage and family for women

    -Family allowances increased dramatically
    -Income tax was reduced in proportion to number of children and those families with six or more didn't have to pay any
    -Maternity benefits improved
    -anti-abortion law was enforced more strictly
  • Lebensborn
    Programme which originally provided homes for unmarried women of the increasing number of illegitimate children who are seen as racially pure. But turned into girls being 'impregnated' by SS men in brothels. It is estimated about 11,000 children were born under this reigme
  • Culture in Nazi Germany?

    It was under a Nazi strait Jacket-while the Nazis were in power.
    The Nazis failed to create a cultural identity
  • What was Nazi culture dominated by?

    -Anti Semitism
    -Nationalism and the Aryan Race
    -Anti modernisation
    -Rejection of Christian values
  • What happened with Music?

    -It has less politics linked to it so much survived Nazi Germany. -The work of Bach and Beethoven were exploited by the regime
    -Jewish composers such as Mahler were banned
    -Jazz was labelled 'negroid
  • Art?

    -Modern School of art were held in contempt. The cultural boom under the Weimar was shown complete discontent as it rose under parliamentary democracy
    -Artists such as Otto Dix were severely censored because they aimed to comment on the state of society
    -The Bauhaus style design was censored
    -The Sculptor Arno Breker ad the architect Albert Speer were admired
  • Literature?

    -2500 writers left Germany 1933-1945
    -Writers who sympathised with the Nazis took their place
  • FIlm?

    -Film studios were in the hands on nationalist sympathisers
    -Goebbels wanted to entertain and use propaganda through film
    -Marlen Dietrich became a Hollywood actress
    -Films such as the 'Eternal Jew' were racist and portrayed Jews as rats
    -Only 96/1097 films between 1933-1945 were requested by the ministry of Propaganda
    -Emotive nationalist films were created such as 'Triumph of the Will' which was about the 1934 Nuremburg rally
  • Had Anti-Semitism always been present in Germany?

    By 1900 a number of anti-Semitic political parties were winning seats in the Reichstag, showing how anti-Semitism was becoming more acceptable. Many Jews were immigrants from Eastern Europe and so become scapegoats in a time of rapid industrialisation