plant tissues

Cards (19)

  • the top and bottom of the leaf are covered with a layer of very thin cells called the epidermis cells that form epidermis tissue
  • the role of the epidermis?
    protects the surface of the leaf
  • feature of the upper epidermis
    • transparent= allows light to pass through to the photosynthetic cells below
    • covered with a thin layer of oily material= waxy cuticle
  • what is the purpose of the waxy cuticle?
    reduces the evaporation of water from the surface of the leaf
    = helps prevent leaf from drying out
  • what are the tiny pores called in the lower epidermis?
  • role of the stomata?
    allows CO2 to enter the leaf and O2 to leave
    helps control the amount of WV that can pass out of the leaf
  • whats on the sides of the stomata?
    guard cells
  • the palisade mesophyll consists of palisade cells
  • palisade cells are packed full of chloroplasts that contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy needed for photosynthesis
  • what is the spongy mesophyll full of?
    air spaces
  • what is the purpose of the air spaces?
    allows CO2 to diffuse from the stomata through the spongy mesophyll to the palisade cell
  • oxygen diffuses from the palisade cells through the spongy mesophyll to the stomata
  • role of xylem in plant tissues:
    • transports water from the roots to the stem and leaves
    = some water is used in photosynthesis
    • transports dissolved mineral ions (Mg= used to make chlorophyll)
  • role of phloem in plant tissues:
    • transports dissolved sugars produced by photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest of the plant
    = sugars can be used for glucose in respiration
    = then can be stored as starch
  • whats translocation?

    Movement of sugars and other molecules through phloem tissue
  • where is meristem located?
    growing tips (shoots and roots)
  • what does meristem tissue contain?
    stem cells which can differentiate into different types of plant tissue
  • meristems are important because they allow plants to grow continuously throughout their life cycle.
  • what is the order of plant tissues in plant cells?
    waxy cuticle, upper epidermis, chloroplasts, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, air space, stomata + guard cells, lower epidermis