
Cards (156)

  • Unification of Germany after victory against France in 1870
  • Chancellor in the 1870s and 80s

    Otto von Bismarck
  • Bismarck's attitude towards ethnic minorities

    • He attempted to assimilate ethnic minority groups within the new empire, such as the Poles
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II became Kaiser at the age of 31

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II had seen the European powers seize colonies in Africa (Scramble for Africa)
  • Many Germans agreed with Kaiser Wilhelm II's Weltpolitik
  • By 1914, the left-wing Social Democrat Party gained power because it appealed to Germany's growing number of industrial workers
  • The middle class were happy with the right-wing government by 1914 because they were afraid of the growing political strength of industrial workers
  • In 1880, Germany produced half the amount of steel as Britain, but by 1914 it produced twice the amount
  • By 1914, Germany was producing 1/3 of the World's electrical goods
  • Germany's population grew from 40 million in 1871 to 68 million by 1914
  • By 1914, only 1/3 of the labour force worked in agriculture, so food imports rose quickly reaching about 1/5 of Germany's needs
  • Both right-wing and central political parties accepted the authoritarian nature of German rule before World War I because of the developing wealth and power the middle class gained
  • The government introduced social reforms such as old age pensions and sickness and accident insurance schemes to pacify socialist demands before World War I
  • The Social Democrat Party gained nearly 1/3 of the seats in 1912
  • Prussia made up 2/3 of the population and over 1/2 of the territory of Germany
  • The influence of military chiefs often determined Germany's foreign policies, which were concerned with expansion
  • Admiral von Tripitz
    Became State Secretary of the Navy in 1897 and argued that Germany needed large battleships
  • In 1896, the German Navy had 6 ships
  • First Navy Law

    Passed in 1898, allowed for the addition of 7 battleships (Germany already had 12). Didn't match British or French but marked turning point in German foreign policy
  • Second Navy Law
    Passed in 1900 (during the Boer War), doubled the size of the fleet to 38 battleships
  • Main objective of the German Navy

    To compete against the British
  • The Royal Navy launch of the Dreadnought in May 1906
    Germany responded with a 3rd Navy Law, adding 6 cruiser-type ships to the building programme
  • A total of 5 Navy Laws were passed in Germany before World War I
  • Germany had 0-19 Dreadnoughts from 1907 to 1914
  • The Anglo-German naval arms race developed in 1902
  • Effects of World War I on Germany

    • Opposition to the Kaiser developed
    • Anarchy
    • 500 women protested against war in 1915 and in 1916 10000 workers turned against the Kaiser
    • Produced less food (1/2 of milk and 3/5 of butter and meat)
    • Spanish influenza spread
    • Made Germans feel angry
  • Sailors mutinied at Kiel
    25th October 1918
  • Strikes and demonstrations across Germany
    26th October- 5th November 1918
  • Soldiers and workers took control of cities like Munich and Hamburg
    6th November 1918
  • Social Democrats led by Ebert demanded the abdication of the Kaiser
    7th November 1918
  • General Strike in Berlin. Kaiser abdicates. Ebert takes over as Chancellor
    9th November 1918
  • Spartacists
    A group of radical socialists who wanted a revolution like the Russians
  • Spartacist leaders

    Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebnecht
  • Spartacist Uprising
    5th January 1919
  • The Spartacist Uprising failed because it was poorly organised, lacked support of other left-wing groups, the government had 2000 Freikorps, and the Spartacist leaders were killed so they lacked leadership
  • End of the Spartacist Uprising
    15th January 1919
  • The Weimar government came out of the Spartacist uprising as a success, as they had managed to stop the first major uprising under their power. However, they had given too much power to the right-wing Freikorps
  • Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles

    War Guilt Clause -- placed complete blame for the war on Germany
  • The reparations payment was £6.6 billion