employment and unemployment

Cards (22)

  • claimant count

    number of people claiming unemployment benefits e.g. JSA
  • labour force survey

    interview-based survey on 44,000 households
  • cyclical unemployment

    unemployment caused by a slowdown or recession in the economic cycle
  • structural unemployment

    unemployment caused by the changing structure of the economy
  • frictional unemployment
    unemployment caused by people moving between one job and another
  • seasonal unemployment
    unemployment at different points in the year
  • underemployment
    individuals working less hours than desired or in a job that doesn't reflect skill level
  • economic inactivity

    people of working age but not currently seeking work
  • discouraged workers
    people unable to find work for a long time so stopped looking - becomes economically inactive
  • unemployment
    individuals of working age that are not in work but actively seeking work
  • employment
    being in paid work
  • self-employed
    individuals that do not work for a firm
  • full-time worker
    individual working 35-40 hour weeks
  • part-time worker
    individual working for a proportion of the time of full-time workers
  • labour force
    number of people of working age that are in work or unemployed but actively seeking work
  • working age population
    those aged 16-65 years old
  • voluntary unemployment
    individual choses not to accept a job at wage rate offered
  • involuntary unemployment
    individual willing to work at current wage rate but cannot find a job
  • geographical immobility
    workers cannot move to areas with vacancies
  • occupational immobility
    mismatch between existing skills of population and new ones required
  • real wage unemployment
    unemployment caused when wage rate across an economy is higher than market equilibrium
  • underemployment and zero hour contracts

    any employment contract where the firm does not guarantee the worker a minimum number of hours