economic growth e.g gdp

Cards (31)

  • gross domestic product (GDP)

    total value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time
  • output method

    measures the value of goods and services produced by calculating the value of its output
  • income method

    adds up all sources of income in an economy
  • expenditure method

    calculates GDP by adding up the sum of all final good and services purchased in an economy
  • GDP growth
    how the rate of economic growth is measured
  • gross national income (GNI)

    total national output of goods and services + net income from overseas
  • remittances
    funds that migrants send back to their home countries
  • foreign aid

    income from other countries or international organisations that is transferred to poorer countries
  • ownership of foreign assets

    government or a domestic company buys an asset overseas
  • gross national happiness (GNH)
    multidimensional measure of development
  • easterlin paradox

    increases in GDP do not always lead to an increase in happiness
  • nominal GDP

    GDP at current prices
  • real GDP

    GDP that takes into account inflation
  • GDP deflator

    price index which measures average prices in one year to a 'base year
  • GDP per capita

    GDP that takes into account the population size of a country or region
  • GDP (purchasing power parity)

    GDP that compares the buying power of different countries' currencies
  • non-market

    housework is usually unpaid
  • informal market

    some activity is not paid for via digital or electronic means so there is no record
  • black market
    some goods are illegal and therefore are not recorded
  • economic cycle

    describes the fluctuations in an economy
  • economic boom
    period of rapid GDP growth
  • downturn
    period of significant decline in GDP
  • economic recession
    two consecutive quarters of GDP decline
  • recovery
    a phase where GDP activity increases following a recession
  • actual GDP
    current value of GDP at a point in time
  • potential GDP
    maximum productive capacity at a point in time
  • output gap

    the difference between actual and potential GDP
  • positive output gap

    when actual GDP exceeds potential GDP
  • negative output gap

    when actual GDP is below potential GDP
  • capital good

    a good used to create or supply consumer goods
  • consumer good
    a good used to satisfy consumer wants and desires