Physiological Theories

Cards (12)

  • What are 2 physiological theories?

  • What was Lombroso’s theory on “born criminals”?

    Argued that criminals were physically different from non-criminals he discovered by looking at autopsies and skulls
    Concluded - criminals had:
    • large jaw
    • high cheekbones
    • long arms
    • large eyesockets
    • poor eyesight
    He claimed that different criminals had different features
    • murderers: aquiline (beak) noses
    • thieves: flat noses
    These physical features can be read to make them out as different so they are born criminals
    He identified 2 other types of criminal who are biologically different:
    • insane criminals
    • epileptic criminals
  • Why did Lombroso see criminals as atavistic?
    they were a throwback to primitive stages of evolution, they are pre-social unable to control their impulses and had reduced sensitivity to pain
    Argued that criminals were like savages.
    In primitive society would be normal but in modern society they are abnormal
  • What are 4 strengths of Lombroso’s theory?

    First person to study crime scientifically using objective measurements and gathered evidence
    shows the importance of examining clinical and historical records
    later work took some limited account of social and environmental factors
    argued that offenders were not freely choosing to commit crime. He helps to focus on how we prevent further offending rather than punishing
  • What are 3 limitations of Lombroso’s theory?

    Since his findings, research has failed to show link between facial features and criminality
    failed to compare findings of prisoners with a control group of non-criminals
    • if he did he may have found the same characteristics among the general population - so his explanation would be invalid
    Description of primitive stages
    • he equates non-western societies with criminals
    • racist
  • What is Sheldon’s somotypes theory?
    Include the 3 somotypes
    His view that certain body types are linked to criminal behaviour
    1. endomorphs
    2. ectomorphs
    3. mesomorphs
  • Outline Endomorphs body type

    Physical features
    • round
    • lack muscle or tone
    • wide hips
    • sociable relaxed outgoing
  • Outline ectomorphs body type
    Physical feature
    • thin
    • lacking fat and muscle
    • narrow hips and shoulders
    • thin face
    • high forehead
    • self conscious, thoughtful, fragile
  • Outline mesomorphs body type

    physical feature
    • muscular
    • little fat
    • strong limbs
    • adventurous
    • domineering
    So more likely to engage in crime and attracted to risk taking
    • these are your criminals
  • What are 2 strengths of Sheldon’s theory?
    Other studies have replicated his findings
    • Gluek + Gluek found that 60% of offenders in their study was a mesomorph
    • measurement of criminals was using qualitative data
  • What are 4 limitations of Sheldon’s theory?
    Gluek + Gluek found that criminality alone was not explained by biology alone, it was in combination of biological, physiological, and environmental factors.
    Criminals may develop a mesomorphs build as a result of needing to be physically tough - criminality causes somotypes
    labelling - mesomorphs labelled as trouble makers could lead to self fulfilling prophecy
    does not account for endomorphs and ectomorphs that commit crime
  • Outline case study of Arthur Shawcross
    Murdered 11 women - dumped the bodies in the rive and constantly visited the river
    He had a mesomorphic build and was very violent and had a difficulty upbringing
    horribly mistreated when he was a child
    sexually assaulted when he was 14 yrs old