Holy Communion

Cards (25)

  • 'Communion helps Christians remember what Jesus did for them.
  • 'We are reminded of God's love when we take communion.'
  • 'The Lord's Supper is the most important act of worship, because it reminds us that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.'
  • 'The bread represents the body of Christ, which was broken on the cross to save us from sin.'
  • 'Jesus said "This is my body" (Matthew 26:26).'
  • 'It shows how much God loves us by sending his son to die for us.'
  • 'The wine represents the blood that flowed from Jesus as he died on the cross.'
  • 'The wine represents the blood that Jesus shed on the cross so our sins could be forgiven.'
  • 'Jesus said "Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). This means that Christians must always remember his sacrifice.'
  • 'Jesus said "Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). This means that Christians must do Communion regularly as part of their worship.'
  • "I am the bread of life." - John 6:35
  • 'The wine represents the blood of Christ, which he shed on the cross so that we could be forgiven.'
  • 'Jesus said "Do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19)
  • "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood" - Luke 22:20
  • 'The wine represents the blood of Christ, which he shed so that we could be forgiven.'
  • 'The wine represents the blood of Christ, which he shed so that we could be forgiven.'
  • 'Jesus said "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." (Luke 22:20)'
  • "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will offer is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." - John 6:51
  • 'Jesus said "this is my blood'" (Matthew 26:28).'
  • 'When we drink the wine or juice, we are remembering how much Jesus loves us and has done for us.'
  • 'The wine symbolises forgiveness of sins.'
  • 'Communion helps Christians remember their faith and stay close to God.'
  • 'Taking Communion helps Christians remember what Jesus did for them.
  • 'We are reminded of what Jesus did when we take communion.'
  • 'Christians believe they can receive spiritual nourishment through taking part in Communion.'