
Cards (7)

  • Andrew Karp - Phaecians are neither an ideal or end to which Odysseus should aspire not an example from which he must flee
  • Andrew Karp - Scherie is a "stepping stone between fantasy and reality", a place for Odysseus to "resocialise himself and regain a sense of heroic identity"
  • P. Avlamis - the Phaecians "combines elements of both worlds"
  • Yoav Rinon - Demodocus' songs elicit two different responses depending on the audience: pleasure or pain
  • Griffin - the Phaecians are closer to the gods than they are to mortal humanity
  • Segal - Phaeacian episode provides Odysseus with a “restorative framework where he can integrate real and unreal”
  • L. Doherty - Odyssey is a celebration of the heroic age, and an acknowledgement that it is in the past. Odysseus’s nostos is the final achievement of the heroic age.