C10 - Using Resources

Cards (16)

  • natural resources come from the earth air and sea e.g. oil
  • finite (non-renewable sources) will run out
  • copper is a finite resource. one way to improve its sustainability is by extracting it from low grade ores
  • bioleaching : bacteria are used to convert copper compounds in the ore into soluble copper compounds separating out the copper from the ore in process. the solution produced by the process contains copper ions which can be extracted
  • Phyto mining : this involves growing plants in soil that contains copper. the plant can not use or get rid off the copper so it gradually build ups in the leaves. the plants can be harvested, dried and burned in a furnace. the ash contains soluble copper compounds from which copper can be extracted by electrolysis
  • life cycle assessment :getting the raw materials, manufacture and packaging, using the product and product disposal
  • life cycle assessment creates waste can, it can be biased and only shows some impacts
  • portable water is water that you can drink
  • filtration : a wire mesh screens out large twigs etc and then gravel and sand beds filter out any solids bits
  • sterilisation : the water is sterilised to kill any harmful microbes or bacteria. this can be done by bubbling chlorine gas through it or by using ozone or ultra violet light
  • waste water comes from : sewers, homes , agriculture and industry
  • Sewage treatment

    1. Screening
    2. Sedimentation
    3. Anaerobic digestion
  • Screening
    • Removing large bits of bacteria like twigs, grit
  • Sedimentation
    • Heavier suspended solids sink to the bottom to produce sludge
    • Lighter solids float on the top and are removed
  • Anaerobic digestion
    • Breaks down sludge
    • Releases methane gas which can be used as an energy source
    • Remaining waste can be used as fertiliser
  • Treatment for waste water containing toxic substances
    1. UV radiation
    2. Using membranes