Choosing a research method

    Cards (14)

    • Practical issue

      Time, money, access, funding.
    • Ethical issue

      Consent, privacy, vulnerable groups.
    • Theoretical issue

      Validity, reliability, representative, methodological perspective.
    • Factor influence choice of topic

      Sociologists view, society value, practical factors, funding.
    • Aim
      The area that you wish to study.
    • Hypothesis
      Statement or prediction to be proved/disproved.
    • Operationalizing concepts

      Define the concept so that it can be measured.
    • Pilot study
      Practice, trial run, smaller version of a study.
    • Postivists
      Sociologists who have the main goal of reliability, representativeness, generalizability and objectivity.
    • Interpretivists
      Sociologists who have the main goal of validity, truth, meaning and subjectivity.
    • Reliability
      Can the method be repeated, or conducted in exactly the same way. This is one of the main goals of Positivism
    • Representative
      Can this method produce a large amount of data which is typical of the population as a whole. Can it be generalised?
    • Validity
      Can this method produce true, authentic reflection of reality? The main goal of intepretivists.
    • Target population
      The group that you wish to study.
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