social - daily hassles

Cards (7)

  • What are daily hassles?
    introduced by Lazurus

    everyday irritations that cause small disruptions, the effects of which can add up to a large impact on health and high levels of stress

    can be a build of daily hassles that can lead to stress
  • What is primary and secondary apprasial and its link to daily hassles?
    Lazurus said we experience daily hassle, we engage in primary apprasial, we work out how threatening it is to our psychological health.

    if the primary apprasial is threatening we move onto secondary apprasial, and discover how well equipped we are to handeling daily hassles.
  • What is the hassles and uplifts scale?
    the HSUP, introduced by Kanner, is a self report measure assessing how many hassles a person experiences in a defined period and the serverity of the hassles

    uplifts are things that make our day better

    life changes exert their effects on well-being through daily hassles, e.g. serious illness distrupt normal everyday rountines, life changes have indirect effects they are distal sources of stress.
  • Evaluation - strength
    strength -
    - Ivancevich asked ppts to complete the HSUP, and measures of general health. Ivan found that daily hassles and uplifts were strong predictors of poor health, job performance.

    this suggests that daily hassles are a valid explanation of stress experienced by many people.
  • evaluation - weakness
    however, Ivan's study requires self report, meaning ppts had to recall daily hassles they've experienced over the previous month, and the usefulness depends on the accuracy of the ppts memories.

    can lack validity as its minor life changes.
  • evaluation - individual differences
    strength -
    - daily hassles approach explains differences between people
    - Lazarus, stress of a daily hassle depends on how we interpret it
    - primary apprasial would be "someone will rob my house"
    - secondary apprasail would be "ill change the lock"
  • evaluation - correlation not causation
    - hassle research is mostly correlational, stress and hassles.
    - however the strongest correlation does not demonstrate causation, cant conclude that hassles cause stress
    - doesnt include how mental health effects can under/over exagerate hassles e.g. depression