on the third day god created dryland, the seas, and plants
on the fourth day god created the sun, moon, and stars
on the fifth day god created sea animals and flyinganimals
on the sixth day god created animalsthatliveonland and humansmadeintheimageof god
on the seventh day godrested and made it a special holyday
a theist is someone who believesingod
an atheist is someone who doesn'tbelieveingod
agnostic is someone who believes nothingcanbeknownforsure
god the father is the creator (one of the three trinity)
god the son is the incarnationofgodasahumanbeing (jesus)
god the holy spirit is the powerofgodwhichisactiveintheworld
Literalist Christians may believe that GodcreatedtheworldexactlyasitstatesintheBible
Non-literalist Christians may see biblicalaccountsasmoremythicalstories, they often agree with scientifictheories
Some Christians believe that when the physicalbodydies, a non-physical part of thepersoncontinuestoliveon
this is called soul
jesus crucifixion
his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey
the Last Supper
the betrayal of Judas
two trials
through jesus’ incarnation, god began the process of salvation from sin, making it possible for humans to have a full relationship with him and go to heaven.
jesus performed miracles like making the blind see