Organs & Structures

Cards (21)

  • What type of zones are there?
    Conducting & Respiratory zone
  • what major structure are in conducting zone?
    1. nose
    2. mouth
    3. larynx
    4. pharynx
    5. trachea
    6. bronchi
    7. bronchioles
  • Major structures in Respiratory zone?
    1. respiratory
    2. bronchioles
    3. alveoli
  • Function of conducting zone?
    • delivers clean warm, moistened air to Respiratory Zone
  • Function of respiratory zone?
    Gas Exchange
  • Major respiratory structures?
    Figure 20.2
    A) Pharynx
    B) Larynx
    C) Trachea
    D) Right
    E) Left main bronchus
    F) Diaphragm
  • Nose Diagram
    Figure 20.3
    A) septal cartilage
    B) Major alar
    C) dorsum nasi
    D) philtrum
  • Upper Airway
    Figure 20.4
    A) nasal meatuses
    B) nasal conche
    C) lingual tonsil
    D) epiglottis
    E) cricoid
    F) oro
    G) laryngo
    H) pharyngeal
  • Ciliated Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
    Figure 20.5
    A) Goblet
    B) cilia
    C) lumen
    D) seromuscous
  • Division of Pharynx
    Figure 20.6
    A) soft palate
    B) hard palate
    C) epiglottis
    D) nasal cavity
  • Larynx (anterior)
    Figure 20.7
    A) cricotracheal
    B) circothyroid
    C) anterior view
    D) body
    E) thyrohyoid
    F) prominence
  • Glottis?
    Figure 20.8
    A) Vestibular fold
    B) glottis
    C) true vocal chord
    D) epglottis
    E) pyriform fossa
  • Trachea
    Figure 20.9
    A) trachealis
    B) hyaline
    C) seromuscous
    D) lamina propria
    E) ciliated
    F) columnar
    G) adventitia
  • bronchial tree (trachea and bronchi)
    Figure 21.0
    A) carina
    B) primary bronchi
    C) secondary bronchi
    D) tertiary bronchus
  • Structure of bronchial tree consist of ?
    1. trachea
    2. main (primary) bronchus
    3. lobar (secondary) bronchus
    4. segmental (tertiary) bronchus
    5. Bronchioles
  • Function of Trachea?
    • delievers air through mediastinum to main bronchi
  • Function of main (primary) bronchus?
    • branch from trachea to deliver air to each lung
  • Function of lobar (secondary) bronchus?
    • branch from main bronchi that delivers air to each lobe
  • Function of segmental (tertiary) bronchus?
    • branch from lobar bronchi to deliver air to each bronchopulmonary segment
  • Function of bronchioles?
    • branch from segmental bronchi to deliver air to respiratory zone inside a bronchopulmonary segment
  • Respiratory Zone
    Figure 21.2
    A) duct
    B) pore
    C) alveolus
    D) respiratory bronchiole
    E) sac
    F) terminal
    G) deoxygenated
    H) oxygenated