A sacrament is a sign of grace (God's love) - 'An outward sign of an invisible/inward grace'
A sacrament is a rite through which a person receives God's grace
Every time a Catholic receives a sacrament, they receive more grace and welcome Christ into their life. Sacraments sanctify a person's life (make their life holy)
Baptism - The person is cleansed of original sin and becomes a member of the Church
Confirmation - The person's faith is strengthened when the re-confirm promises made on their behalf at Baptism and the power of the Holy Spirit is renewed in their lives
Eucharist - The person receives the Body and Blood of Christ and is strengthened by/united with Christ
Marriage - The couple are joined together in front of God for life and accept that their love for each other is the love of God active in their lives
Ordination - The man commits himself to God and becomes a priest
Reconciliation - The person is absolved of their sins and reconciled with God
Sacrament of the Sick - The person received forgiveness, comfort and strength to face illness or death