Enzymes of the Digestive System (practice)

Cards (5)

  • Label the Enzymes
    A) Salivary amylase
    B) Pancreatic amylase
    C) Dissacharidases
    D) Pancreatic Lipase
    E) Proteases
    F) Erepsins
  • Label the origin of Enzymes
    A) Salivary glands
    B) Pancreas
    C) Small Intestine
    D) Pancreas
    E) Stomach
    F) Small Intestine
    G) Pancreas and Small intesine
  • Label where Enzyme Acts
    A) Mouth
    B) Small Intestine
    C) Small Intestine
    D) Small Intestine
    E) Stomach
    F) Small Intestine
    G) Small Intestine
  • Label Nutrient Molecule Digested
    A) Starch, glycogen (Carb)
    B) Maltose
    C) Lactose
    D) Lipids
    E) Protein
    F) Polypeptides
    G) Peptides
    H) Starch, glycogen (Carb)
    I) Sucrose
  • Label Products of Digestion
    A) Maltose (dissacharide)
    B) Maltose
    C) Glucose
    D) Glucose
    E) Glucose
    F) fructose
    G) galactose
    H) Fatty acids
    I) glycerol
    J) Polypeptides
    K) Smaller peptides
    L) Amino Acids