1. A collection is taken and brought forward with the gifts
2. We say 'blessedbegodforever'
3. The priest offers bread and wine to god
4. We offer who we are
Washing of the hands
1. The priest washes his hands to wash away any sin
2. This reminds us of our baptism
eucharistic prayer: this is the high point in mass; this is when transubstantiation occurs
eucharistic prayer: preface, sanctus, prayer of thanksgiving, invocation of the holy spirit, consecration, offering to the father, doxology
sanctus: holy,holy,holy,lord,god of power and might.....
invocation of the holy spirit: this is known as the epiclesis. the priest calls down the holy spirit to make the gifts holy
consecration: the priest recounts the events of the last supper, jesus is made present
offering to the father: we proclaim the mystery of faith; Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again
doxology: through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the holy spirit. all glory and honour is yours almighty father, forever and ever. amen
jesus's apperances after his ressurection:
1.jesus appeared to mary magdalene at the tomb(Jn 20:1-18)
2.emmaus(lk 24:13-25)
3.upper room(lk 24:36-48)
4.sea of tiberius
great commission
Liturgy of the word =
The first reading, The responsorial Psalm, The second reading, The Gospel (good news), Homily, Profession of Faith (creed), Prayers of the faithful (general intercessions)
The First reading:
Is from the old testament (only during the Easter season is from the acts of the apostles)
The old testament teaches us the history of the creation and god's chosen people (hebrews)
We hear prophecies of the coming of jesus
many old testament events foreshadow the gospel
The responsorial psalm
is read or sung
from the book of psalms written by david
expresses prayers of praise, thanksgiving, reparation for sin, petition
The second reading:
comes from the epistles which are letters that the apostles wrote to the first Christian churches
teach us how to grown in holiness, pray and treat people with christian charity
The gospel
begins with alleluia verse
a reading from matthew, mark, luke (synoptic gospels) or john
the people make little crosses on their forehead, lips and hearts - this indicates that the word of the lord is to be in our thoughts
the gospels are a record of what jesus said and did including his teachings, parables and miracles
the theme of the mass is explained by the priest in the homily
jesus' words are actions are explained by the preiest
the priest talks about how we can apply what jesus said and did to our own lives
profession of the faith(creed):
a summary of salvation history
it is the key to reading the scriptures
it is recited by everyone in unison
we testify that we believe in god has revealed
prayers of the faithful(general intercession):
these are prayers for the church, public authorities, sick, deceased, community and families
communion rite: this is the last part of the liturgy of the eucharist
lord's prayer(our father)
rite of peace-shake hands and say peace be with you
breaking of the bread-this is known as the fraction rite. Jesus is wholly and truly present in each part of the host
lamb of god(agnus dei)
communion of the priest-the priest takes the communion
communion antiphon-said or sung as the priest takes communion
communion of the people-we take communion; the priest says 'body of christ',and we say amen
prayer after communion
concluding rites: includes the final blessing, closing (recessional hymn) and dismissal
blessing: the priest does the trinity "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit"
he then says "mass has ended, go in peace"
we respond "thanks be to god"
concluding rites: includes the final blessing, closing (recessional hymn) and dismissal
blessing: the priest does the trinity "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit"
he then says "mass has ended, go in peace"
we respond "thanks be to god"
closing hymn(recessional)-the priest leaves the altar
when not to receive holy communion:
if you are not catholic and do not believein the eucharist presence of the lord
if you are in mortal sin
if you have not kept the fast
if you have not been prepared to receive holy communion(first communion)
if you are not in union with the catholic church for some reason