bio205 final

Cards (100)

  • Louis Pasteur and his Swan neck flasks experiments (spontaneous generation and fermentation experiments)

    spoilage of liquid was caused by particles in the air rather than the air itself
  • Koch's 1st postulate

    suspected germ must be present in every case of the disease
  • Koch's 2nd postulate

    germ must be isolated and grown in pure culture
  • Koch's 3rd postulate
    cultured germ must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy host
  • Koch's 4th postulate
    the same germ must be re-isolated from diseased experimental host
  • What is the contribution of Semmelweis?
  • What is the contribution of Lister?
    antiseptic technique
  • What is the contribution of Jenner?
  • What is the contribution of Snow?
    father of epidemiology
  • What are the main characteristics of molds?

    multicellular and reproduce through spores
  • What are the main characteristics of yeasts?

    unicellular and reproduce through budding
  • What are the main characteristics of bacterias?

    prokaryotes and are composed of peptidoglycan
  • What are the main characteristics of archeas?
    prokaryotes and are composed of different polymer
  • what are the 5 ways to identify and classify bacteria?
    Physical characteristics, Biochemical tests, Serological tests, Phage typing, and Analysis of nucleic acids
  • What is the gram stain procedure?
    crystal violet (purple), iodine (purple), alcohol (Gram + purple, Gram - colorless), safranin (Gram + purple, Gram - pink)
  • cocci
  • coccobacilli
    oval rod
  • bacilli

  • vibrio
    curved rod
  • spirillum
  • spirochete
    flexible spiral
  • pleomorphic
    many shapes
  • diplococci
  • streptococci
  • tetrads
  • sarcina
  • staphylococci
  • What generas produce endospores?
    bacillus and clostridium
  • Prokaryote characteristics
    no nucleus, no organelles , small, and simple
  • Eukaryote characteristics

    nucleus, organelles, large, and complex
  • gram positive cell wall
    thick peptidoglycan layer
  • gram negative cell wall

    thin peptidoglycan layer and have lipopolysaccharide
  • glycocalyx slime layer
    loosely attached
  • glycocalyx capsule

    tightly attached and protects from phagocytosis
  • flagella
    whiplike tails that provide movement
  • fimbriae
    provide attachment
  • pili
    bacterial conjugation
  • cell wall
    provide shape and structural support
  • cell membrane
    semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm
  • nucleoid
    dense region of DNA in a prokaryotic cell