
Cards (85)

  • Philosophy of Education

    The wisdom of the man acquired by the labor of his intellect where questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation are the means
  • Philosophy
    A set of ideas that answer questions about the nature of reality and about the meaning of life
  • Philosophy
    A systematic and logical examination of life so as to frame a system of general ideas of which the sum total of human experience may be evaluated
  • Branches of philosophy

    • Metaphysics
    • Epistemology
    • Axiology
  • Metaphysics
    Addresses reality and existence. It is divided into ontology and cosmology.
  • Ontology
    Examines issues related to nature, existence or being
  • Cosmology
    Related with the nature and origin of the universe
  • Epistemology
    Concerned with the nature of knowledge- how we come to know about things, or how we acquire knowledge
  • Axiology
    Deals with value. It is divided into ethics and aesthetics.
  • Ethics
    Relate to issues in morality and the rules of right conduct
  • Aesthetics
    Concerned with values in beauty and art
  • J. Pieper: 'To philosophize is so essentially human- and in a sense to philosophize means living a truly human life'
  • Passed on to us are a number of philosophies of various thinkers who lived before us
  • These thinkers reflected on life in this planet. They occupied themselves searching for answers to questions about existence
  • Western philosophy is the rational and critical inquiry into basic principles
  • Western philosophy is generally considered to have begun in ancient Greece as speculation about the underlying nature of the physical world
  • Idealism
    Proclaims the spiritual nature of men and the universe. It stresses the human spirit, soul or mind as the most important element in life.
  • Idealism
    • It holds that the good, true, and beautiful are permanently part of the structure of a related coherent, orderly and unchanging universe.
    • It contends that reality lies in our consciousness or our intellect.
  • Idealist education

    Aims to contribute to the development of mind and self, the school should emphasize intellectual abilities, morals, judgments, aesthetics, self- realization, individual freedom, individual responsibility, and self-control.
  • Idealist character development

    • The first rule to be learned by all students is order.
    • Students must conform to rules and regulations and repress everything that interferes with the function of the school.
    • Pupils must have their lessons ready on time, rise and sit at a given signal, learn habits of silence and cleanliness.
  • Idealist schools

    • Intellectual centers of teaching and learning, where teachers guide the students to realize their intellectual potential and appreciate the finest and enduring achievements of culture.
  • Idealist teachers

    • Believe that the schools are the repositories of eternal truth which have organized that hierarchical curriculum in education.
    • Believe that on top of this hierarchy are the most important subjects that cultivate abstract thinking- Philosophy, Theology, and Mathematics.
    • Believe in the Socratic method – asking probing questions to stimulate consciousness of students in discovering knowledge.
    • Believe that thinking and learning are the processes of bringing latent ideas to consciousness of students in discovering knowledge.
    • Believe that teachers should lead exemplary lives and be models for students to imitate.
    • Believe that the Internet can make the great book accessible to all, but they insist that technology be the means rather than the end in transmitting knowledge.
  • Realism
    Advocates that reality is outside of our minds. Realists believe that the objects we perceive exist independently of the mind; that whether or not we perceive these objects, they really exist in the world.
  • Realist education
    • The purpose is to teach the students about the world in which they live. The most efficient way of learning is through the curriculum of organized and classified subject-matter discipline.
  • Realist teachers

    • Believe that the teachers should be equipped with a wide repertoire of methods in teaching to achieve their goals.
    • Believe that their primary responsibility is to bring students' ideas about the world into reality.
    • Believe that the deductive and inductive logic, and the scientific method are reliable means to discover knowledge.
    • Believe that the inclusion of non-academic activities interfere with the school's primary purpose of learning as a center of disciplined academic inquiry.
    • Believe in the use of technology as an aid in learning; they recommend computer program to be as "realistic" and effective as possible.
  • Pragmatism/Experimentalism

    Evaluates the truth and meaning of ideas according to their physical consequences and practical value. It emphasizes the need to test the validity of these ideas by acting on them.
  • Pragmatist education

    • John Dewey related education as preparation for life. He believed that the function of education was to enhance human potential to be able to adapt to a constantly changing world. Pragmatists believe that students should be encouraged to do researches and apply them to the solution of a problem.
  • Pragmatist teachers

    • Believe that education is an experimental process- a method of solving problems that challenges people as they interact with the world.
    • Believe that children should learn how to make difficult decisions by considering the consequences of their actions on others.
    • Believe that education should focus in real-life problems to be prepared to live fully and effectively in the society.
    • Believe that students should learn the process of problem solving rather than by being passive learners as knowledge is being transmitted to them.
    • Believe in collaborative learning where students share their interests and problems.
    • Believe that interdisciplinary education is better than departmentalized curriculum in education.
    • Believe in taking risk in education to achieve their goal.
    • Believe in values-clarification rather than blindly accepting inherited values.
    • Believe that communication technologies such as e-mail and internet provide opportunities to share ideas, insights and experiences.
  • Eastern philosophy is derived from Islam, Confucianism, Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism
  • Hinduism
    A religious culture around 1500-2000 B.C. Their literature is Vedas, the bodies of knowledge. They hold the universe to be all one, Brahman. Everything has same soul in all living being. The purpose of life is to find enlightenment. The cycle of birth and death goes on. Karma- chain of causes. All of our actions will eventually have consequences. Desire is the root of all evil.
  • Buddhism
    A philosophical tradition, founded by Gautama Siddhartha Buddha in the 5th century B.C. Buddhism attempts to conquer the suffering through the elimination of desire and ego and attainment of the state of Nirvana. Nirvana- permanent liberation from life, become one with the universe. Four Noble Truths: (1) life is suffering (2) causes of suffering (3) elimination of suffering (4) enlightened living
  • Cycle of birth and death
    Goes on
  • Karma
    Chain of causes. All of our actions will eventually have consequences
  • Desire
    Root of all evil
  • Buddhism
    • A philosophical tradition, founded by Gautama Siddhartha Buddha in the 5th century B.C
    • Attempts to conquer the suffering through the elimination of desire and ego and attainment of the state of Nirvana
  • Nirvana
    Permanent liberation from life, become one with the universe
  • Four Noble Truths
    • (1) life is suffering
    • (2) causes of suffering
    • (3) elimination of suffering
    • (4) enlightened living
  • Self in Buddhism
    An illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold on and control things, or human-centered needs, thus the self is also the source of all these sufferings
  • It is our quest to forget about the self, forget the cravings of the self, break the attachments you have in this world, and to renounce the self which is the cause of suffering and in doing so, attain the state of Nirvana