Distortion of Perception

Cards (5)

  • A perceptual distortion involves an inconsistency or ‘mismatch’ between a perceptual
    experience and physical reality.
    Visual illusions demonstrate cases in which reality is misperceived for no immediately
    apparent reason.
  • Visual illusions
    Is the perception of a visual stimulus that conflicts with how it is in physical reality. It is not entirely understood how all visual illusions occur, but they can result from a variety of sources
  • Agnosia
    Is a disorder involving the loss or impairment of the ability to recognise familiar stimuli through the use of one or more senses, despite the
    senses functioning normally otherwise. Simply, this means that individuals suffering from agnosia have difficulty identifying sensory
    information, such as objects in their environment.
  • Apperceptive visual agnosia
    -Difficulty in perceiving visual information
    -Intact mental understanding of what objects look like
  • Associative visual agnosia
    -Difficulty identifying what object is being viewed
    -No difficulty in perception; individuals are able to identify the individual visual elements of objects