Art App

Cards (60)

  • What are the four classification of Prehistoric Period?
    petroglyphs, pictographs, prehistoric sculptures, and
    megalithic art.
  • cupules (cup-like scouring of the rock surface), rock
    carvings and engravings
    This is example of? petroglyphs
  • this art include cave paintings and drawings.
  • This art include small statuettes and relief sculptures,
    prehistoric sculptures
  • It refers to the
    arrangement of large pieces of stones.
    megalithic art
  • What do you call the painted images
    on cave walls and ceilings?
    cave art.
  • This art have five principal
    motifs: animals, human figures, tools and weapons, local maps, and symbols. They were either
    engraved, sculpted, or painted on rocks.
    Cave Art
  • One of the earliest cave arts was found at?
    Altamira, Spain.
  • One of the first works of sculpture?
    fertility statues.
  • Where we can find the Stonehenge Stand?
    Salisbury England
  • It is one of the earliest and important civilizations.
    Egyptian Civilization
  • What do you call a spirit in egypt?
  • How did they preserve dead body in egypt?
  • Give atleast one example of gratest ancient architecture.
    Pyramid of Egypt
  • What do you call the thing that narrates
    the lives of their leaders?
  • Who is the god of the underworld and his wife?
    Osiris and Isis
  • Greek art is divided into three periods:
    Archaic, Classical or Hellenic, and Hellenistic.
  • the arts were dominated with in linear geometric designs and human figures. These geometric designs are painted in their vases.
    archaic period
  • One of the famous sculpture in archaic period:
  • Considered the golden age of Athens for it is when there
    were various cultural achievements.
    It is the period when aesthetic ideals were developed and
    became the point reference of art.
    classical or Hellenic period
  • These Greek ideals gave emphasis on form, intellectual order,
    harmony, perfect proportion and balance
    Classical Period
  • When the Greek culture were interwoven with the oriental culture, then came the:
  • They are the one who pioneered the building of temples, and
    other public buildings
    Greek Art
  • What are the motifs of roman painting?
    coomon subjects
  • the Romans preferred to sculpt portraits,
    also called busts.
  • Give 1 example of bust portrait
    Julius Ceasar
  • What is invention of romans in construction?
    vaulting system
  • An astounding example of Roman architecture is the
  • This art is a combination of Classical and Asian traditions, aimed to create a reflection of heaven.
  • Romanesque would mean _______
    manner of the roman
  • A distinctive characteristic
    of a ____ is it has high, pointed spikes pointing upwards which symbolizes an expression
    of faith.
    Gothic cathedral
  • Renaissance comes from the French word
  • In this period there were discoveries in art
    and sciences. Religious images were commonly depicted in their paintings and sculptures with
    precise anatomical features
    Renaissance Period
  • Famous Artist during Renaissance period:
    leonardo Da Vince and Giotto
  • Also known as Late Renaissance,
  • This art movement which originated from Florence, Italy
  • refers to a stylized, exaggerated approach in painting and sculpture.
  • Baroque comes from the Portuguese word
  • “barocco” means
    “irregular pearl or stone.”
  • The theme of its paintings and sculptures are still religious, however, more of the elements of the Catholic dogma.
    Baroque art