Cards (34)

  • SOCIAL NORMS - Are ways of behaving within society. Norms - determine the do’s and don’ts of a smoothly functioning group of people
  • LEADERSHIP - An important role in the society is ascribed to leaders
  • SERVANT LEADERSHIP - many effective leaders and has been found to transform both the servant leaders, people, and organization.
  • ACT NOW - Acting now will give you miles of advantage over some other emerging leaders later.
  • The New Science of what it takes to Persevere, Flourish, and
    Succeed, defined GRIT as the capacity to dig deep and do
    whatever it takes-even sacrifice, struggle and suffer –
    to achieve your most worthy goals in the best ways.
    By: Dr. Paul G. Stoltz
  • GROWTH - This refers to the tendency to act and consider new ideas
  • RESILIENCE - This is the capacity to respond constructively and make good use of adversities.
  • INSTINCT - This refers to the person's gut level capacity to pursue the rights goals in the best smartest ways.
  • TENACITY - This is the degree to which one commits to a goal and persists in achieving it
  • ROBUSTNESS - This is how well a person holds up over time,
  • QUALITY - This is achieved when a person consistently and reliably demonstrates their fullest grit in achieving his or her goals.
  • LESSON 7
    FAMILY - is the basic unit of society. That is where a person grows up and what shapes himself as someone, he/she is today
  • Authoritative parents are firm authoritative
    and warm and set limits with
    their children. They explain and
    reason to their children which
    help clarify the rules with them.

    Research shows that children
    with (blank) parents
    become competent, likeable,
    and autonomous.

    • Clear expectations
    • Definite rules
    • Supportive
  • Authoritarian parents express
    little affection and warmth to
    their children. They believe
    that children should follow
    these rules without questioning.
    According to research, children
    with (blank) parents are
    more likely to become rebellious
    or dependent.
    • High expectations • Disciplined • Unsupportive
  • Permissive parents are warm; however,
    they set no clear rules for their children.
    As a result, adolescent may have
    problems with their future relationships.
    Adolescents with (blank) parent
    become moody, immature, dependent
    and has low self-control.
    • Low expectations • Excessive responsiveness
  • Uninvolved parents express little interest in
    their children. They do not put demands on
    their children and they only see themselves as
    providers of clothing, food, and shelter
    Research shows that children of uninvolved
    parents develop impulsive behaviors with self-
    regulation issues. They also become detached,
    feel unloved, and their development can be
    hindered by lack of care.
    • No boundaries • Little support
    Research showed that many Filipino families, at least during the research, seldom talk with each other especially during times of crisis (Carandang 1987).
  • FIRST BORN - usually have high feelings of power and superiority
  • SECOND-BORN - usually develop their personalities based on the older child’s attitude toward them.
  • YOUNGEST- are often the most spoiled and pampered having been lavished with much attention in their growing up years
  • ONLY CHILD - lives in an adult world and competes against his/her mother or father.
  • John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice
    According to (BLANK), careers are established by the interaction between people and their environment. He believed that in choosing a career, people, prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like them.
  • REALISTIC -the “doers”
    Likes to work mainly with one's hands, making, fixing, assembling or
    building things, using and operating equipment, tools or machines. Often likes to work outdoors.
  • INVESTIGATIVE – the “thinkers”
    Likes to discover and research ideas, observe, Investigate and experiment, ask questions, and solve problems
  • ARTISTIC – the “creators"
    Likes to use words, art, music, or drama to communicate, perform or express themselves, create and design things
  • SOCIAL – the “helpers”
    Likes to work with people to teach, train and inform, help, treat, heal and cure, serve and greet; concerned for the wellbeing and welfare
    of others
  • ENTERPRISING – the “persuaders”
    Likes meeting people, leading, talking to and influencing others, encouraging people, working in business
  • CONVENTIONAL – the “organizers”
    Likes working indoors and at tasks that involve organizing and being accurate, following procedures, working with data or numbers, Planning work and events
  • CAREER DEVELOPMENT - Considered as a major component of a human development, is a process wherein a person’s work identity is formed
  • JOB - is something done from 9 to 5 typically with compensation
  • CAREER - is a system of advancements and promotions over a period of time , which results in rewards used to enhance behavior.
  • CALLING - inspires and motivates for what it is.