
Cards (26)

  • Learning
    A relatively permanent change in behaviour or knowledge that results from experience
  • Apparent
    Learn something new
  • Long-lasting
    Continue to remember
  • Due to experience
    Experience of external stimuli
  • Stimulus - response
  • Classical conditioning
    Phase 1: before conditioning
    Neutral Stimulus - no relevant response
    Unconditioned Stimulus - Unconditioned response
  • Classical conditioning
    Phase 2: During conditioning
    Neutral stimulus + unconditioned stimulus = unconditioned response
  • Classical conditioning
    Phase 3: After conditioning
    Conditioned stimulus - conditioned response
  • Operant conditioning
    • Response is voluntary
    • Active process
  • Operant conditioning
    Antecedent - environmental stimulus
    Behaviour - any action
    Consequences - behaviour more or less likely to occur
  • Operant conditioning
    4 types:
    1. Postive reinforcement
    2. Negative reinforcement
    3. Positive punishment
    4. Negative punishment
  • Reinforcement
    Increase likelihood of behaviour reoccurring
  • Punishment
    Decrease the likelihood of behaviour reoccurring
  • Observational learning
    Watching someone else do something
  • Observation learning
    • Person being observed is referred to as the model
    • Models can be real life
    • Or symbolic (media, TV, instructions)
  • Observer more likely to pay attention if:
    • model has high status
    • model demonstrating behaviour that the observer can do
    • behaviour is visible to the observer and distinct
  • 5 stage model of Observational learning
    1. Attention - the learner is focusing their awareness on the behaviours of the model
  • 5 stage model of observational learning
    2. Retention - memory (mental) representation of the behaviour we observe
  • 5 stage model of observational learning
    3. Reproduction - the learner practises the behaviour, must have the physical and cognitive ability and competence to put into practise what you see
  • 5 stage model of observational learning
    4. Motivation - learner must want to perform the behaviour
  • 5 stage model of observational learning
    5. Reinforcement - if the model receives positive reinforcement then this will increase the likelihood that the observer will repeat the behaviour
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
    System of knowledge - knowledge and skills are based on interconnected social, physical, and spiritual understandings and in turn inform survival and contribute to a strong sense of identity
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
    Multimodal - uses a variety of methods
    8 ways framework/way of knowing
    • story sharing
    • community link
    • symbols and images
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
    Country - traditional lands of a particular language or cultural group, including ideas about place, law, spirituality, identity
    • knowledge patterned on county - song lines
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
    Embedded in relationship - oral culture
    • Speak culture pass to others
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
    Embedded in relationship - collectivist culture
    • Improving society as a whole not just the individual