Consequences - behaviour more or less likely to occur
Operant conditioning
4 types:
Postive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Positive punishment
Negative punishment
Increase likelihood of behaviour reoccurring
Decrease the likelihood of behaviour reoccurring
Observational learning
Watching someone else do something
Observation learning
Person being observed is referred to as the model
Models can be real life
Or symbolic (media, TV, instructions)
Observer more likely to pay attention if:
model has high status
model demonstrating behaviour that the observer can do
behaviour is visible to the observer and distinct
5 stage model of Observational learning
Attention - the learner is focusing their awareness on the behaviours of the model
5 stage model of observational learning
2. Retention - memory (mental) representation of the behaviour we observe
5 stage model of observational learning
3. Reproduction - the learner practises the behaviour, must have the physical and cognitive ability and competence to put into practise what you see
5 stage model of observational learning
4. Motivation - learner must want to perform the behaviour
5 stage model of observational learning
5. Reinforcement - if the model receives positivereinforcement then this will increase the likelihood that the observer will repeat the behaviour
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
System of knowledge - knowledge and skills are based on interconnected social, physical, and spiritual understandings and in turn inform survival and contribute to a strong sense of identity
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
Multimodal - uses a variety of methods
8 ways framework/way of knowing
story sharing
community link
symbols and images
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
Country - traditional lands of a particular language or cultural group, including ideas about place, law, spirituality, identity
knowledge patterned on county - song lines
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
Embedded in relationship - oral culture
Speak culture pass to others
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approach to learning
Embedded in relationship - collectivist culture
Improving society as a whole not just the individual