christian beliefs and practices

Cards (105)

  • Prayer
    - christian believe way they can communicate with God. -
    - For christians, god is a personal God not just an invisible person or force so christians believe prayer helps them develop their relashionship with God.
  • What is the purpose of set prayers?

    Set prayers help worshippers express their thankfulness, confession, and requests to God.
  • Why do believers use set prayers?

    Believers use set prayers because it may be hard for them to find the words they want to express themselves to God, and set prayers help with this.
  • How do set prayers gain meaning and depth?
    Set prayers may take on meaning and depth as they are regularly used and reflected upon.
  • Informal prayers:
    -gives freedom to relate to God uniquely individual way. -for some believers this is a more intimate way of enganging in 'conversation' with God. -can pray for specific needs -spirit can lead worship
  • The lords Prayer:
    - prayer very important to Jesus -Jesus taught his follower how to pray by giving them what is known as the Lord's prayer -The prayer includes key things christians need to remember when praying. -It includes confession of things the christian has done wrong, thanksgiving for all God has given them, adoration of God, concerns for others, asking for something special for themselves or others.
  • Praying in spirit:

    prayer led by God's Holy Spirit within the believer, praying in tongues (unique language given to believer by God), strengthened by Spirit to become closer to God
  • Prayer in congregational worship:

    -sometimes prayers in church service led by one person or several people and the congregation invited to take part through set reponses 'Lord, hear our prayer' or 'amen'. -In some church services any member of the congregation who wishes to stand and pray aloud is free to do so. -services can also include times for silent prayer which allow people a period for reflection. -In these times of silent reflection christians believe that God may speak to them in some way, for example helping them understand the answer to what they have prayed about.
  • Types of prayers:

    adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplications and intercession, grace, praying in spirit, meditational prayers
  • What is confession in Christianity?
    Confession in Christianity involves bringing before God anything done wrong or things failed to do, seeking forgiveness, reflecting on needed changes, and committing to repentance.
  • Why do Christians confess?
    Christians confess to seek forgiveness from God, reflect on their actions, consider necessary changes, and demonstrate repentance.
  • Thanksgiving
    - christians believe God has plants for their good so even in hard situations they are able to thank God. -giving thanks through prayers keep christians appreciative of the blessings and resources God provides-These prayers alow christians to regonise God in all aspects of their lives, from recovering from an illness to having good times with their family and friends
  • Adoration
    -focuses on God's character and adore him for who he is.
    Adoration in Christianity means showing great love and respect for God.
    It's about worshiping and being devoted to God with deep feelings of love and awe.
    This is shown through prayers, praise, and worship activities.
    It reflects how much a believer loves and is committed to God.
  • Supplications and Intercession
    Supplications are prayers where believers ask God for help or blessings.
    Intercession is when believers pray on behalf of others, asking God to help or bless them.
    Both practices show reliance on God's help and care for others' well-being.
  • Meditational prayers

    editational prayers in Christianity are quiet, reflective prayers.
    They help believers connect with God by thinking deeply and listening.
    The goal is to gain spiritual insight, peace, and understanding.
    This can involve reading the Bible, thinking about God's words, and personal reflection.
  • Grace (prayer):
    - saying grace normally associated with the christian practice of thanking God before eating meal. -Jesus gave thanks in the accounts of feeding 5 thousand -christians regnoise all they have recieved especially the food they are about to consume is park of God's goodness to them.
  • Individual and private worship:
    -christians will often spent time alone in silent reflection being still and calm and considering what they believe God is saying to them. -This period of quiet reflection gives Christians opportunity to feel at peace. -private worship therefore important to christians because it helps them develop a close personal relationship with God.
  • When will christians use their individual and private prayers:
    - to pray for people who they know -charitable work
    - Christians may also be aware of how God is working in their own lives day by day so they can repond to him with personal thanks and praise. -also to seek God's guidance
  • As christians pray they believe God:

    -he heads and reponds to prayer
    -In bible God commands people tp pray and he promises to hear and answer their prayer
  • eg of denominations infant baptism takes place:

    roman catholic church,orthodox church and church of england
  • Whats another word for infant baptism?
  • Infant baptism
    -for christians ritual of baptising the baby allows it to recieve Gods blessing -Parents make promises to raise child as a christian
  • The meaning of baptism:
    sacrament symbolises persons admision into christian church.
    Water might be sprinkled or persons head may be immersed in water
    both of which symbolise purification and being washed clean from sin
  • different attitudes and views towards infant baptism
    Roman Catholic and Church of England: water is sprinkled or pouredOrthodox: immersed in the water symbolising the leaving the life of sin and entering a new Christian life. the water cleanses the baby of original sinRoman Catholic: chrism oil is rubbed on the head symbolising the holy spirit. paschal candle lit to symbolise moving to new life without darknessparents are expected to bring up the child with christian values. as a sacrament for CofE, Catholic etc.
  • Diff views of Baptism
    Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Church of England believe in infant baptism, which is called a Christening. for these christians it is a ritual which allows them to receive God's blessing, and the babys parents will promise to raise the child as a Christian.

    It was practiced in the first year of Christian history and there are accounts of whole families, probably with children, being baptized in the book of acts.In many denominations, this is followed with confirmation, in teens, where a public statement of their faith is made to confirm promises.

    non conformist such as Baptist, Pentecostal believe in believers baptism. Emphasis is placed on the conscience decision. Believe that grace is received as the result of their expression of the faith rather than the ritual.Supported by Jesus - baptised as an adult and others in the New Testament where the belief was you needed to be a believer

    Quakers and Salvation Army don't practice baptism and they feel they receive God's grace internally so no need for an outward ceremony
  • Believers baptism
    Voluntary choice based on personal faith and decision.

    Symbolizes public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ.

    Involves immersion in water symbolizing new life in Christ.

    Typically practiced by adults and older children.

    Signifies intentional commitment to follow Christ.

    Differs from infant baptism based on personal belief and decision-making.
  • The eucharist:

    - This began when Jesus at the last meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. -Told them that when they meet together should share bread and wine in memory of his body being broken and blood spilled on the cross. -Now in Eucharist services congreagation share bread and wine in memory of Jesus's sacrifice -the catholics believe in transubstantiation this means that catholics believe that the bread and wine actually transformed into Jesus's body and blood.
  • A range of attitude toward Eucharist found winthin the church of England?
    For many anglicans, jesus is believe to be spiritually present in the bread and wine as his sacrifice is celebrated. This is known as consubstantiation
  • explain the concept of pilgrimage

    pilgrimage is part of a person's spiritual journey, often including a physical journey that takes a person to a place of religious significance
  • what is the purpose of pilgrimage to Lourdes?

    1858 at Lourdes in France, 14 yr old Bernadette Soubirous has revelations from the Virgin Mary; who predicted a water spring would appear - it did. today water is believed to have healing powers
    RC church, Basilica of our Lady of the Rosary where millions visit each year, many for healing (physical and spiritual). they feel their faith is strengthened and restored at Lourdes
    7000 reported miracles, 69 confirmed by the catholic church
  • what is the purpose of pilgrimage to Jerusalem?

    where jesus lived towards the end of his life and where he died, buried and resurrected. for many, visiting the scenes helps the bible come to life and they can reflect more deeply on their faith
  • what is the purpose of pilgrimage to Walsingham?

    small village in norfolk; in the 11th century the lady of the manor 'Richeldis de Faverches' had a vision of Mary in Nazareth. she was told to build the virgins home according to how she saw it in the vision.

    many miracles have been claimed to occur there, and eucharist services and evening prayers are there everyday.
  • what is the impact of pilgrimage on individuals/communities?
    many Christians choose to undertake pilgrimage as it allows them to spend focused time, energy and thought on God

    spiritual life benefits include:-closer to god through experience as distractions are stripped away-more aware of their need for god due to physical endurance on a pilgrimage-places of religious significance have deep impact Eg. where jesus did a miracle-believer has a greater sense of awe and wonder or a fresh revelation of god
  • what is the origin of Easter?
    Easter is significant for reflection and celebration for all. It recalls how through his death and resurrection Jesus brought human salvation and hope of eternal life. The sacrifice is a reminder of the grace and mercy of God.
  • why is Christmas so important to Christians?

    -celebration of Jesus' incarnation, allowing a way for humans to become reconciled with God. The birth of Jesus gives humanity hope for a new beginning, a restored relationship and hope for eternal life after death with God

    -Christians believe in the second coming of Christ, where he will come in glory to judge the living and the dead, due to this hope Christians believe they must live as Jesus commanded; encouraging others to share their faith.

    -Not just a celebration but a time of reflection for the need of peace in this world, remembering those less fortunate than ourselves. Eg) Salvation Army is very active at this time making sure everyone has shelter, as Jesus struggled for shelter as a baby
  • what are Christmas celebrations to Christians?

    Many from Anglican and Roman Catholic attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve, a special service of the Eucharist.

    On Christmas day churches hold services remembering the birth of Jesus which include carols, readings and nativity plays.

    in the orthodox church christmas is celebrated on the 7th Jan when it is believed the Magi visited Jesus, many orthodox fast before the 7th to help shift focus from themselves to others, so they spend time in prayer and caring for the poor (not on food!!) This allows them to enjoy, appreciate and celebrate the birth of Christ. many orthodox attend a special church liturgy on the 7th Jan, celebrating Christmas by burning frankincense etc.
  • Palm Sunday:

    Start of Holy week
  • what is the impact and importance of Palm Sunday?
    this is the start of Holy Week and the sunday before the Easter weekend. It recalls Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey where the crowds welcomed him shouting 'Hosanna' meaning 'save now' whilst waving palm branches

    in church, small palm crosses are given out to celebrate-reminder of people waving as Jesus entered-death on the cross at the end of the same week

    time to reflect upon their own faithfulness to God, the crowds were hypocrites. Christians remember how they responded when remaining true to their faith in hard times.
  • impact and importance of Good Friday
    remembers the crucifixion. special services are held to reflect upon the death. In many denominations the main service begins at midday and lasts 3 hours, remembering Jesus' time on the cross. service may include gospel accounts, hymns and guided meditation. churches remove all decoration and colour.

    Many denominations incl. RC, worshipers move around 14 stations and pray at each one. Jesus' death is an act of mercy to humanity as he redeemed the human race.

    Christians can feel the depth of Gods love whilst they recall this part of the easter story. they reflect on their own sin, seeking God's strength as he understands human suffering through Jesus - he is a comforter.
  • impact and importance of Easter Sunday and Saturday
    the easter weekend is a time of joy as the resurrection and victory over sin is celebrated.

    CofE, RC and others keep an easter vigil on the saturday evening; special candle (paschal) is brought out and 5 drops of incense are dropped in; representing the five wounds Jesus had. Each member of the congregation has a small candle lit from the paschal candle which they hold during the Eucharist.

    banners and colour put up with floral displays, hymns are sung of praise. often a baptism will take place as a symbol of new life

    this time of celebration is the most important of all as the resurrection allows human salvation.