Cards (13)

  • INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS) is an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communications Networks and data resources that collects, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization.
  • A system is a set of elements or components that interact to accomplish goals.
    • Hardware: Computer equipment
    • Software: Computer programs
    • Databases: An organized collections of facts
    • Telecommunications:
    • Networks - Distant electronic communication
    • Internet - Interconnected Networks
    • Intranet - Internal Corporate Network
    • Extranet - Linked Intranets
    • People: Users of IS.
    • Procedures: Strategies, policies, methods, and rules for using an IS.
  • TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEM (TPS) refers to an information processing system used for business transactions that involve the retrieval, collection, and modification of transaction data. It offers an execution environment that ensures data availability, security, and integrity. Moreover, such a system ensures fast response time and accuracy. Eg. ATMs, Payroll app, Order processing
  • MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) is defined as a system based on the database of the evolved for the purpose of providing information to the people in the organization.
  • Role of MIS:
    compared to the role of heart in the body, the information is the blood and MIS is the heart. In the body, the heart plays the role of supplying pure blood to all the elements of the body including the brain.
    The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed, and sent further to all the needy destinations.
  • Aim of MIS:
    • The main aim of MIS is to inform management and help them make informed decisions about management and the way the business is run.
  • Types of MIS:
    • Transaction processing system
    • Operations information system
    • Decision support system
    • Expert system
  • Elements of MIS:
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Control
    • Databases and application programs
    • People
    • Telecommunications and Networks
  • Outputs of a MIS:
    • Scheduled reports which are produced periodically, or on a schedule.
    • Key-indicator report which summarizes the previous day's critical activities and also it is typically available at the beginning of each day.
    • Demand report which gives certain information at a manager's request.
    • Exception report which is automatically produced when a situation is unusual or requires management action.
  • DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. It is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, and personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.
  • Objectives of DSS:
    • Create allows the decision makers to make or create a much better or consistent decision in a timely manner.
    • Helps a single person on group or group to come up with a decision.
    • Inter dependent
    • Decision making has its own phrases that should be followed step by step procedure.
  • EXPERT SYSTEM is a computer program (software) that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to reproduce the judgment of a human with expert knowledge in a particular field. A good expert system solves a problem accurately, quickly and is easy to use. Example of expert systems in decision support is medical diagnosis. MYCIN is an ES that can diagnose bacterial infections and recommend antibiotics.