Constellation is a group of stars in forming a figure or design
IAU- InternationalAstronomicalUnion
42 depicts animals 29 depicts innominate objects and 17 depicts human mythological
examples of constellation are Andromeda, Ursamajor, and Ursaminor,
Andromeda - From greek mythology Princess Andromeda
Ursamajor- Known as Great bear located at northernhemisphere
Ursa minor- Known as little bear located at CelestialHemisphere
Group of stars seen as forming a figure or design in the sky
In contemporary astronomy, 88 constellations are recognized by the InternationalAstronomicalUnion (IAU), 42 depict animals, 29 depict inanimate objects and 17 depict human or mythological characters
The sun appears to move against the background of constellations. These constellations are called zodiacalconstellations
The 13th constellation, Ophiuchus, is also considered as zodiacal, but only 12 major zodiacal constellations are used in astrology, which corresponds to the 12 months of the year