Today, artists use a variety of materials and techniques, blending traditional and contemporary styles, experimenting with new materials, and exploring different art forms
A 15-foot tall granite blade-shaped stone inside the old temple of Chavín, depicting a powerful figure that is part human and part animal, which may have served as an oracle and point of pilgrimage
Hammered gold alloy worn by elite men and women as emblems of their ties to the Chavín religion, transforming the wearer into a supernatural being during ceremonies
Overlooks the main plaza, with three doors leading to a central room decorated with stucco, a nearly intact roof with a large roof comb, and a corbel arch interior, built by ruler Bird Jaguar IV for his son
Depicts Lady Xook invoking the Vision Serpent to commemorate her husband's rise to the throne, with the Vision Serpent having two heads - one with a warrior emerging and the other with the war god Tlaloc
The lintel was intended to relay a message of the refoundation of the site, as there was a long pause in the building's history, and Shield Jaguar's building program may have been an attempt to reinforce his lineage and right to rule
Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) structures built into the sides of a cliff, housing about one hundred people, with a plaza, kivas, and storage areas on the top ledge
A Mississippian (Eastern Woodlands) earthwork/effigy mound associated with snakes and crop fertility, with theories that it could be influenced by comets or astrological phenomena
A series of pyramids built one atop the other in Tenochtitlán, with two temples on top dedicated to the gods Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli, destroyed by the Spanish in 1520
A circular relief sculpture in volcanic stone, representing the dismembered moon goddess Coyolxauhqui, placed at the base of the twin pyramids of Tenochtitlán, where the Aztecs sacrificed people and threw their dismembered remains down the steps
A basalt stone reflecting the Aztecs' belief in the need to feed the sun god human hearts and blood, with a tongue in the center representing a sacrificial flint knife, and two intertwined calendar systems