Old mines that ceased operation when the minerals in the area were depleted, transformed into a tourist destination that offers visitors a chance to go deep inside the mine tunnels
Named after the city's master planner Daniel Burnham, traditional venue of the city's numerous festivities, has a man-made lagoon usually filled with boating excursionists, bikers, promenaders, and skaters delight in the park's wide area
Formerly the rest and recreation center of the United States Armed Forces in the Philippines, turned over to the Filipinos when the Americans left the country in early 90's, renamed Club John Hay
Known as a shopper's haven, where you can load up on the province's bounties: handwoven jackets and blankets, silver knickknacks and jewelry, and various jams and preserves, guests should also check out the breathtaking view of the mining sites on the mountains fronting the park
Highest mountain in Luzon, reaching more than 9,600 feet, one can literally walk beyond the clouds, features include a lake, mossy forests at the middle elevation, and a wide expanse of grassland made of dwarf bamboos at the peak area
Main focus is a collection of Ibaloi artcrafts, including well-preserved mummies which are garbed only in their traditional clothing and are in a sitting or squatting position
The Philippine Military Academy is the premier training ground for young Filipinos who want to excel in a military career, houses important relics such as cultural artifacts of the Cordilleras