Two huge rocks situated side by side, leaving a crevice at the middle where the rays of the sun pass through only once a year. This event heralds the start of the planting season and is celebrated by the local folk every September 30
A huge rock with bows and narrows and human beings etched on its surface. The etchings of human beings are believed to be images of warriors buried in the Gangca Cave at the foot of the mountain where the rocks stands.
The people of Sagada have a unique tradition. Instead of burrying the departed family members, their coffins, which are usually made of pine trunks are hung on cliff sides.
In Bontoc there is a large stone with footprints believed to be that of Lumauig, the pagan god of the Igorots. Nearby is a stone resembling a sleeping dog.
SumaguingCave in Sagada, Mountain Province is a major tourist attraction in the area. It is a large cave system that one can explore with the aid of the local guides. Cold water flows in many parts of the cave so one should expect to get wet during this great adveNTURE
These rooms not only serve as sleeping quarters for the folks and for male teenagers but also as a venue for traditional rites and village cultural affairs. Usually built with cogon grass as roofing and stones as walls.