The capacity of a muscle to do work (force X distance)
Muscle performance
Influenced by all body/organ systems
In order to carry out the physical demands of life safely and efficiently, muscles must be able to produce, sustain, and regulate muscle tension to meet demands
3 elements of muscle performance
Resistance exercise
Any form of active exercise in which dynamic or static muscle contraction is resisted by an outside force applied manually or mechanically
Resistance exercise
Essential element for rehab and integral for conditioning programs to promote and maintain health and well-being
Focus of the chapter is manual resistance to the extremities as there are spinal and joint specific chapters later in the text
Muscle Strength
The ability of contractile tissue to produce tension and a resultant force based on the demands placed on the muscle
Greatest measurable force
The greatest measurable force that can be exerted by a muscle or group to overcome resistance during a SINGLE maximum effort (1 Rep Max/1RM)
Functional Strength
The ability of the neuromuscular to produce, reduce, or control forces, contemplated or imposed, during functional activities, in a smooth, coordinated manner
Strength Training
A systematic procedure of a muscle or muscle group lifting, lowering, or controlling heavy loads (Resistance) for a relatively low number of reps or over a short period of time
Increases in muscle strength
Primarily due to neural adaptations (first 4 weeks)
Increase in muscle fiber size
Muscle Power
Related to strength and speed of movement
Defined as the work (force x distance) produced by a muscle per unit of time (force x distance/time)
Can be expressed by either a single burst of high intensity activity (anaerobic power) or repeated bursts of less intensity (aerobic power)
Power Training
Exercise that emphasizes strength AND Speed of movement
Muscle strength is necessary for developing muscle power; usually started after pt can do two sets safely and correctly
Increase the work a muscle must do or reduce the time a muscle has to produce a force will enhance power
When completing power training with a patient, it is done in short bouts, so the anaerobic and phosphagen systems are stressed
Muscle Endurance
The ability to perform low intensity, repetitive, or sustained activities over a prolonged period of time
Cardiopulmonary endurance
Total body endurance associated with repetitive, dynamic motor activities and involve the use of large muscles of the body (walking)
Muscle endurance
Local endurance/aerobic power: the ability of a muscle to contractrepeatedly against a load/resistance, generate and sustain tension, and resist fatigue over a period of time (postural muscles)
Muscle endurance training causes adaptive changes in TypeI muscle fibers
Muscle strength and endurance are NOT interchangeable terms
Endurance training
Having a muscle contract or lift or lower a light load for many reps or sustain a muscle contraction for an extended period of time
Key parameters of endurance training
Low intensity muscle contractions
Large number of reps
Prolonged period of time
Results of endurance training
Increased oxidative capacity and metabolic capacity of the muscle
Decreased force on joints, less irritation to soft tissues, and overall comfort
Overload Principle
The foundation of resistance exercise
A load that exceeds the metabolic capacity of a muscle; challenge the muscle to perform at a level greater than that to which it is accustomed
Progressive loading
Manipulating the intensity (resistance) or volume (number of reps/sets/frequency) of exercise
In strength training, resistance is emphasized; with endurance training, emphasis is on time or number of reps
Performing seated LAQs with a 2# cuff weight when the quads need to lift up to 40% of body weight to perform a sit→ stand transfer independently isnot an appropriate overload
Extension of Wolff's law - body systems adapt over time to the stresses placed on them
Specificity of training: exercises incorporated in a program should mimic the anticipated function; mimic mode, velocity, limb position, and movement pattern of exercise as well
The muscle working at the ankle from heel strike to foot flat is the tibialis anterior, and it is working eccentrically
Transfer of training/Overflow/Cross-training effect
Carryover training effects from one variation of exercise or task to another
Have been reported to occur on a limited basis with respect to velocity, and mode of exercise
Can also occur from an exercised limb to a non-exercised, contralateral limb in a resistance training program (cross training)
Musclestrength program has been shown to improve muscular endurance in a moderate way, but endurance training had little to no effect on crosstraining to gain strength
Some improvement in strength at velocities higher or lower than training speed
Exercise programs must still be created based on individual goals and to replicate desired functional activity
Reversibility Principle
Detraining: reduction in muscle performance; begins within 1-2 weeks after cessation of resistance exercises and continues until training effects are lost
Maintenance programs are important (same resistance, decreased frequency)
Incorporate gains in strength and endurance into daily activities
The #1 goal for resistance exercise is always safety
Valsalva Maneuver
Expiratory effort against a closed glottis with contraction of the abs
Increased intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressures, which forces blood from the heart and temporarily increases arterial blood pressure
Occurs during high effort isometric and dynamic muscle contractions, but rise in BP appears to be the same at all velocities of movement despite decreasing force output of muscle
Rise in BP appears to be based more on extent of effort, not just on type of muscle contraction
Patients at risk for resistance exercise include those with a history of CAD, MI, cerebrovascular disorders, HTN, those who have undergone neurosurgery, eye surgery, or intervertebral disk pathology
Resistance training for at-risk patients
Start with low resistance training (30-40% 1 RM for UE and 50-60% 1RM for LEs)
Prevention is key during resistance exercise - do not let the patient hold their breath
Patients should be asked to breathe rhythmically, talk, or count during exercise
Patients should breathe out during the hardest part of the exercise
Avoid high intensity exercise for at-risk patients
Substitute Motions
Usually occurs when resistance is too high
Prevent by choosing correct resistance and giving adequate stabilization
Decline in physical performance in healthy individuals participating in high intensity, high volume strength and endurance training
Brought on by inadequate rest, too rapid progression of exercise, or inadequate diet and fluid intake
Individual fatigues more quickly and requires more time to recover from exercise