The overall strategy that a researcher uses to logically and coherently integrate the components of a study
Types of Research Design
Ex Post Facto
Descriptive Research Design
Aims to observe and report on a phenomenon, manifestation of behavior or traits
Correlational Research Design
Determines association among variables
ExPostFacto Research Design
Aims to infer a cause from the already existing effects
Quasi-Experimental Research Design
Aims to establish causal relationship with intervention
Experimental Research Design
Aims to establish causal relationship with intervention
Prototyping Research Design
Improve planning and execution of creative designs
The process of selecting individuals, units, or groups to be analyzed during the conduct of the study
The extent your findings can be applied in other contexts
Determining Sample Size
Literature Review
Power Analysis
Statistical Power
Probability that there is, indeed, a relationship between the independent and dependent variable (80%)
Effect Size
The degree of the difference between the control and treatment groups (t-test= 0.2, 0.5, 0.8; r= 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
Probability Sampling Methods
Simple Random
Stratified Random
Simple Random Sampling
All members of the population have an equal chance of being selected (e.g. Fish Bowl Technique)
Stratified Random Sampling
The population is divided into subgroups or strata
Cluster Sampling
Grouping the population into clusters
Systematic Sampling
Participants are selected based on their order on a list or predetermined interval
Interval Sampling
Divide the population size by the sample size
Developing a Research Instrument
Adopt a research Instrument
Modify an existing research instrument
Create your own research instrument
Instrument Validity
Face Validity
Content Validity
Construct Validity
Criterion Validity
Concurrent Validity
Predictive Validity
Face Validity
Does not ensure that the instrument has actual validity
Content Validity
Covers specific elements of the variable to be measured
Construct Validity
The instrument is able to detect what should exist theoretically
Criterion Validity
Evaluated through statistical methods
Concurrent Validity
Predict the results similar to a test validated in the past
Predictive Validity
Produces results similar to those of other instruments that will be employed in the future
Instrument Reliability
Equivalent Forms
Internal Consistency
Inter Rater
Test-Retest Reliability
Administering an instrument twice to the same group
EquivalentForms Reliability
Administering two identical tests in all aspects except for the actual wording of items
InternalConsistency Reliability
How well the items in two instruments measure the same construct
InterRater Reliability
Measures the consistency of scores assigned by two or more raters on a certain set of results
Planning the Data Gathering Procedure
Develop data collection instruments and materials
Seek permission to the authorities
Use appropriate sampling technique
Train the researchers or other people
Obtain informed consent from participants
Pilot-test the instruments
Informed Consent
A document that explains the objectives of the study and extent of participant's involvement, and ensures confidentiality of participant information and responses
During Data Collection
Provide instructions to the participants
Administer the instruments
Utilize triangulation
A technique for validating data using two or more sources and methods
After Data Collection
Immediately encode or transcribe data
Safeguard the confidentiality of data
Examine and analyze data using appropriate statistical tools
The use of statistical tests to address research questions and objectives