Scatter Plot

Cards (9)

  • Bivariate data is data on each of two variables, where each value of one of the variables is paired with a value of the other variable.
  • Bivariate Data deal with two variables that are compared in order to find
    or establish their relationship.
  • Simple linear correlation is a measure of the degree of the relationship between two variables or the measure of the intensity of their linear dependence.
  • In a relationship between two variables may be visualized using a scatter plot.
  • A scatter plot is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables (X,Y) for a set of data.
  • Scatter Plot is the most common display of quantitative data. It shows patterns, trends, relationships, and possible extraordinary value/s between the variables.
  • Relationship of Variable in Terms of Form or Shape
    A) positive linear association
    B) negative linear association
    C) nonlinear association
    D) no association
  • Relationship of Variable in Terms of Direction
    A) positive association
    B) negative association
  • Relationship of Variables in Terms of Strength
    A) strong positive linear association
    B) weak positive linear association