Deep Words July 21-27

Cards (16)

  • Limerence
    Limerence is the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically characterized by intense emotions and longing for reciprocation.
  • Quintessence
    Quintessence refers to the most perfect or typical example of something, embodying the purest essence or fundamental nature.
  • Petrichor
    It is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil, arising from the combination of plant oils and compounds released into the air.
  • Ineffable
    It describes something that is too great, intense, or beautiful to be expressed or described in words.
  • Zephyr
    It refers to a gentle, mild breeze, often associated with the west wind in Greek mythology.
  • Eunoia
    It is a term that originates from Greek, meaning "beautiful thinking" or "well mind." It can refer to a state of goodwill and beautiful thinking, especially towards others.
  • Fika
    It is a Swedish concept that refers to a coffee break or a social gathering over coffee and pastries. It's more than just a coffee break; it's about taking time to relax, socialize, and enjoy the company of others.
  • Reverie
    It refers to a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream or a state of meditation.
  • Munificence
    It refers to the quality or action of being extremely generous, especially with money or gifts.
  • Wistful
    Having or showing a feeling of longing or yearning for something that is unattainable or that is gone.
  • Solipsism
    The theory or belief that only one's own mind or consciousness is sure to exist.
  • Numinous
    Inspiring awe or a sense of mystery or reverence. It describes something that feels beyond ordinary understanding and evokes a sense of wonder.
  • Greedflation
    This term describes a situation where inflation is caused by companies raising prices excessively to increase profits, rather than due to natural market forces.
  • Metanoia
    It refers to a transformative change of heart, mind, or perspective. It's a deep shift in understanding that alters your perception of yourself and the world.
  • Kenopsia
    This word describes the eerie, melancholic, or strangely peaceful atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned or quiet. It captures the unsettling feeling of a space devoid of its usual activity.
  • Iridescent
    It is more commonly used as an adjective to describe something shimmering with rainbow colors, it can also be used as a verb. In this context, it describes the act of gradually revealing something beautiful or profound, often layer by layer. It's a slow unveiling of a deeper meaning or understanding.