11-Purposes of Writing

Cards (13)

  • A text or genre - is any type of written or spoken discourse.
  • Examples of written texts
    • short stories
    • editorials
    • news stories
    • novels
    • drama
    • recipes
    • poems
    • biographies
    • folktales
  • Narrative Writing
    Narrate - tell a story
  • Expository Writing
    Describe - paint a picture in the reader’s minds using words that appeal to the five senses
  • Expository Writing
    Inform - explain something, presents facts, provides information like news reports, police report, speeches, email message, articles, etc
  • Expository Writing
    Explain - elaborate the topic by providing details in explaining something.
  • Argumentative/Persuasive writing
    Argue – present arguments and pieces of evidence
  • Argumentative/Persuasive writing
    Persuade - convince the readers to take action or to accept a belief
  • Analyze/Review – is considered as the reader’s response to the text
  • Analyze - examine or break down the whole into parts; offer judgment
  • Critical reviewassess a text in terms of its strengths and weaknesses and form judgment
  • Poetry - is the oldest form of literature
  • Prose - is written without considering rhythmical patterns or word syllables that make up sentences