Islam essay

Cards (18)

  • Islam
    Guides its adherents toward righteousness through both the application of bioethical teachings and the contributions of Imam Al Shafi'i, resulting in a more noble expression of the tradition in the eyes of Allah
  • Bioethical teachings

    • Sanctity of Life
    • Lesser of Two Evils
  • Sanctity of Life

    The sacredness and intrinsic value of human life
  • Lesser of Two Evils
    The necessity of prioritising the decision that brings the most good
  • Imam Al Shafi'i

    • Responsible for bettering the lives of Muslims through his systemisation of Usul al-FIqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and authentication of the Sunnah
  • Usul al-Fiqh

    1. The science of interpreting and implementing Islamic Law
    2. Considering the non-revealed sources including the Sunnah, Ijma (Islamic Consensus), and Qiyas ( analogical reasoning)
    3. Allowing for a clear sequential process by which Muslims can use to derive ethically righteous answers
  • Al-Shafi'i: '"It is haram to regard anything as a duty save that set forth in the Quran and the Sunnah."'
  • 2014 Fatwa against illegal hunting in Indonesia

    • Mufti Scholars applied Usul al-Fiqh to instruct Muslims toward nobility by protecting endangered wildlife
  • Isnad
    Allowed scholars to authenticate the Hadiths by tracing them back to the Prophet himself
  • Al-Shafi'i: '"When a hadith is certified as coming from the Prophet, it must be accepted"'
  • Al-Shafi'i ensured that the Sunnah was upheld as a complement to the Quran, allowing both texts to serve as the highest ethical authorities for determining what is halal and haram</b>
  • Hadith 32
    • "No severer of the womb-relation will ever enter paradise"
  • Al Shafi'i's authentication of the Sunnah through Isnad

    Allowed adherents to express their faith more righteously by revealing the validity of the Hadiths, thus offering a perfect model of nobility
  • Divine Sovereignty

    Emphasises the all-powerful nature of God and his ultimate authority in all ethical decisions
  • Actions will be judged according to intentions
    The intention behind an action often outweighs the severity of the action itself
  • Applying bioethical teachings to Abortion
    Guides adherents to navigate Abortion righteously and act with nobility under the teachings of Allah
  • Applying bioethical teachings to Euthanasia
    Guides adherents toward righteous conduct, ultimately offering a more noble expression of faith
  • Through the interpretation and application of both bioethical teachings and Imam Al-Shafi'i's teachings, Islam guides adherents toward nobility by offering a framework for the righteous expression of faith