The oneness of Allah (he has no partners, no equals and cannot be split into parts)
Going against tawhid is shirk and is a big sin
Importance of tawhid
Allah created the world alone proving omnipotence
'Shun false gods' (Qur'an)
Allah is all powerful, 'He has power over all things' (Qur'an)
Allah is all knowing
Allah is all loving, 'Most kind and merciful' (Qur'an)
Allah is actively good and kind, 'Most kind and merciful' (Qur'an)
Allah is actively a part of this world
Allah is just and fair, 'If you judge between people, to do so with justice' (Qur'an)
Allah is beyond this world, 'The transcendent, the superior' (Qur'an)
Larger denomination of Islam
Muslims who believe Abu Bakr was the first of four (rightly guided) people to be leader after Prophet Muhammad
The 6 beliefs of Sunni Islam
Belief in Allah
Belief in angels of Allah
Believe in holy books
Belief in prophets
Belief in the day of judgement
Belief in the decree of Allah (al-qadr, predestination)
'Believe in Allah and his angels and his books and his messengers and in the last day and in the decree of Allah' (Hadith)
How the 6 beliefs are expressed
Belief in day of judgement reminds Muslims that their time on earth is temporary and that one day they will be close with Allah
Belief in prophets allows Muslims to emulate their qualities in daily life
Muslims end their prayers saying 'peace be upon you' to the angels
Belief in Allah allows Muslims to express gratitude
Smaller denomination of Islam
Muslims who believe the Ahl al Bayt (family of Prophet Muhammad) were meant to be leaders after Prophet Muhammad
The 5 roots of Usul ad Din in Shi'a Islam
Tawhid (belief in oneness of Allah)
Nubuwwah (belief in prophethood)
Adl (aka Adalat, belief Allah is just)
Imamah (belief in good given leadership to Prophet Muhammad's descendants)
Mi'ad (belief in the day of judgement and the resurrection)
Some groups such as Twelvers and Seveners follow different Imams with authority from Allah
The angels of Allah
Nature of Malaikah
Created by Allah to perform certain tasks
They have no free will
They are made of light
They have no fixed physical form
They have (metaphorical or physical) wings 'Who made angels messengers with two, three, four wings' (Qur'an)
'They exalt him night and day' (Qur'an)
'They do precisely what they are commanded' (Qur'an)
Most important angels
Messenger angel who delivered the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad 'Brought the Qur'an down to your heart' (Qur'an)
Angel of death who takes the souls of dead people to Allah to be judged 'The angel of death will take you' (Qur'an), 'Then you will be brought back to your Lord' (Qur'an)
Brings Allah's prosperity to earth through trees, water, air etc and oversees the maintenance of life
Adam was the first prophet and Muhammad was the last
All prophets are equally important and teach a message, 'We make no distinction between any of them' (Qur'an)
The first prophet
Was created from a handful of soil (demonstrates Allah's omnipotence)
Shows that humans should be Khalifah (caretakers of the earth)
Teaches Muslims should not approach sin or be tempted by Satan
'He taught Adam the names, all of them' (Qur'an)
'Devoutly obedient' (Qur'an)
Was told in a dream he must sacrifice his son, Isma'il, which he was prepared to do. At the last minute, Allah called out to stop him and praised them both for their dedication and obedience
Teaches Muslims to be obedient and to trust Allah and Allah's guidance
'Guided him to a straight path' (Qur'an)
Was chosen to rebuild the Ka'bah with Isma'il
Ibrahim's son
Was willing to be sacrificed when Ibrahim said about his dream
Teaches Muslims to trust Allah and to be obedient
Was chosen to rebuild to Ka'bah with Ibrahim
Chosen to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
Performed miracles such as parting the sea (demonstrates Allah's omnipotence)
Given the ability to distinguish right and wrong
Given the Al-Kitab (scripture)
'We inscribed everything for him in the tablets' (Qur'an)
Remembered for his wisdom, prayers and fasting
He had a victory against Goliath
'And God gave him sovereignty and wisdom and taught him what he pleased' (Qur'an)
Teaches that Allah gives honour to chosen ones
Prayers by Dawud are regularly recited by Muslims
Performed many miracles (including his own birth which did not involve a biological father)
He honoured Tawhid
'God raised him unto himself' (Qur'an), meaning Isa was not crucified
Taught a message of love and peace
The final prophet
'The seal of the prophets' (Qur'an)
Received the Qur'an
Possessed the best qualities of all the prophets before him