Two or more individuals who are connected by and within social relationships.
A small, long-term group characterized by frequent interaction, solidarity, and high levels of inter dependence among members that substantially influences the attitudes, values, and social outcomes of its members
Varieties of Groups: PrimaryGroup
A relatively small number of individuals who interact with one another over an extended period of time, such as work groups, clubs, and congregations.
Social group
A relatively large aggregation or group of individuals who display similarities in actions and outlook.
A perceptual grouping of people who are assumed to be similar to one another in some ways but different in one or more ways, such as all women, the elderly
Social Category
“that part of an individual’s self-concept which derives from his knowledge of his membership of a social group (or groups) together
Social Identity
Composition - the qualities of the individuals who are members of the group.
Boundaries - those who are included in the group are recognized as members and those who are not part of the group are excluded outsiders
Size - social network -A set of interpersonally interconnected individuals or groups
TaskInteraction - The conjointly adjusted actions of group members that pertain to the group’s projects, tasks, and goals
RelationshipInteraction -The conjointly adjusted actions of group members that relate to or influence the nature and strength of the emotional and interpersonal bonds within the group, includ ing both sustaining (social support, consideration) and undermining actions (criticism, conflict)
Interdependence - Mutualdependence, as when one’s outcomes, actions, thoughts, feelings, and experiences are influenced, to some degree, by other people
Structure - The organization of a group, including the members, their interrelations, and their interactions
Role- A sociallysharedset of behaviors, characteristics, and responsibilities expected of people who occupy a partic ular position or type of position within a group
Norm- A consensual and often implicit standard that describes what behaviors should and should not be per formed in a given context
First step, in Goals, Planning tasks Creativity tsks
Intellective tasks DecisionMaking tasks
Cognitive Conflict tasks Mixed motive tasks
Competitive tasks Performances/psychomotor tasks
which are deliberately formed by its members or an external authority for some purpose
planned group
which come into existence spontane ously when individuals join together in the same physical location or gradually over time as indivi duals find themselves repeatedly interacting with the same subset of individuals.
emergent groups
Four-fold taxonomy of groups: Concocted group
are planned by individuals or authorities outside of the group.
Four-fold taxonomy of Group: Founded Groups
are plannedbyone or more individuals who remain within the group
Four-fold Taxonomy of Group: Circumstantial Group
are emergent, unplanned groups that arise when external, situationalforces set the stage for people to join together, often temporarily, in a unified group.
Four-fold Taxonomy of Groups: Self Organizing Groups
emerge when interacting individuals gradually align their activities in a cooperative system of interdependence.
groupcohesion - is the integrity, solidarity, social integration, unity, and groupiness of a group
groupcohesion - The solidarity or unity of a group resulting from the development of strong and mutual interpersonal bonds among members and group-level forces that unify the group, such as shared commitment to group goals
entitativity - to describe the extent to which a group seems to be a single, unified entity—a real group
entitativity - The apparent cohesiveness or unity of an assemblage of individuals; the quality of beingasingleentity rather than a set of independent, unrelated indivi duals
groupdynamics - Interpersonalprocesses that occur within and between groups; also, the scientific study of those processes.