Cards (23)

  • Counter Clockwise is the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock
  • The Earth moves in two ways Rotation and Revolution
  • The movement of earths axis is called Rotation
  • The sun Rises at the East
  • The sun Sets at the West
  • Earths Rotation result to Day and Night
  • The period of the Earths Rotation is 23hrs56minutes4.2seconds
  • Revolution is Movement Around the sun
  • It takes the Earth 365DAYS to orbit the sun
  • A leap year is a year with February 29
  • The orbit of the earth is called Eclipse or ecliptal shape
  • Sometimes Earth is Away or Near From the sun
  • Aphelion is The earths farthest point
  • Perphelion is the Earths Nearest point
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, when the North Pole leans toward the Sun, we have summer; When the South pole leans towards the Sun, we have winter
  • Earth's axis tilts at an angle of 23.4 degrees from its orbital plane
  • Earths axis remained fixed as it orbits the sun The NORTHERN HEMISPHERE IS TILTED TOWARDS THE SUN
  • Because of Earths rotation, the Sun is always in the sky for 12 hours
  • because of the earths revolution and its position there are 4 seasons
  • During june july and august the northern hemisphere is facing the sun
  • JUNE 21 summer starts in northern hemisphere while winter starts on the southern hemisphere
  • the tropic of cancer is where the sun reaches its highest point in the sky during the summer solstice
  • The equator is where the sun reaches its highest point in the sky during the spring and autumnal equinoxes