Cards (37)

  • text
     the original words and form of a written or printed work; the main body of printed or written matter on a page
  • discourse
    verbal interchange of ideas specially a conversation; connected speech or writing
  • connected discourse
    when certain symbols such as letters of the alphabet combine in a certain way to make certain words combine into phrases into sentences, paragraphs, compositions
  • speaking
    -relies on spontaneity; unplanned
    -can use both verbal and non-verbal cues to elicit reactions
    offers immediate feedback
    -usually informal and repetitive
  • writing
    -planned; can be changed through editing and revision
    -relies on written words to convey meaning
    -has delayed response or none at all
    -formal and compact
  • writing skills 

    the ones most often used by teachers to gauge the learner's language proficiency level
  • speech
    public and more often an issue of confidence, whereas, writing, because it is in black and white, reflects the learner's level more accurately
  • skimming
    quickly reading a text to get only its main idea
  • scanning
    searching specific phrases in the text to answer some questions; keyword
  • context clues
    clues that help you understand the meaning of a word based on its context
  • synonyms
    includes a repetition of an idea expressed in familiar words nearby
  • definition
    use of "that is", "i.e", commas, dashes, and parenthesis
  • antonyms
    "although", "however", and "but" may signal contrast or antonyms clues
  • explanation
    example; including "such as" and "for example" point these out
  • word parts (affixes)
    prefixes and suffixes
  • close reading
    analysis of a text, understanding of the text's form, opposite of speed reading
  • cubing
    examining viewpoints
  • freewriting
    unlimited ideas
  • listing
    things associated with the topic
  • mapping
    write ideas and map their connections
  • researching
    discovering facts by investigation
  • problem
    supposed to brainstorm about
  • suggestions
    things, concepts, ideas, that you wish to contribute
  • graphic organizer
    visual representations
  • visual representations
    they usually take the form of tables, graphs, and chart
  • structurally arranged
    helps compartmentalize the data you have
  • discourse elements
    vital information
  • GO
    -pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and concepts
    -aims to provide visual aid
  • table
    simplest and most widely utilized GO
  • venn diagram
    to compare and contrasting data
  • cause and effect (fishbone diagram)
    list of causes associated with special effect
  • cycle
    describes how a series of events interact as a set of results repeatedly
  • plot diagram
    used to map events in the story and analize major parts of the plot
  • concept map
    depicts suggested relationship between concepts
  • flowchart
    used to show the chronology of events in a narrative or stages in a process
  • topic outline
    outlining organizes information in a neat list, depending on your specific need for the information you just arranged
  • outline
    generally defined as a group of information structured in an organalized list