Produce hormones: Estrogen & Progesterone, Testosterone
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Important in communicating individual's status as reproductively mature female/male
Secondary Sex Characteristics in Males
Changes occur 3 years before boy reaches peak growth spurt
Growth of testes
Thickening/reddening of scrotal sac
Pubic hair
Penis begins 2-year period of growth
Halfway: ejaculation possible
Deepening of voice
Secondary Sex Characteristics in Females
Breast Bud: small rise around nipples
Pubic hairs (just before growth spurt)
Breasts continue developing
Development of mammary glands: source of milk
Increase in adipose (fatty) tissue: gives adult shape
Girl's first menstrual period
Occurs late in puberty, about 18 months after growth spurt reached peak
Early menstruation tend to be irregular, often w/o ovulation
Regular ovulation begins 12-18 months after menarche
Uterus grows, vaginal lining thickens
Pelvic inlet (bony opening of birth canal) does not reach adult size until 18 years of age
Boy's first ejaculation
Typically occurs spontaneously during sleep: nocturnal emission
After 1st year: boy's sperm less numerous, less fertile than later adolescent years
Secular Trend
Pattern which average age of puberty in developed countries declines across decades
First seen as evidence of good health
Mid 1800s: Increased access to food, prenatal and child care, vaccines, medicine
Improve: Nutrition, Access to health care
Decline: "Overnutrition", Obesity and overweight, Declining physical activity
Early Maturation
Occurrence of pubertal event (or set of events) before 3rd percentile of the normal range
Effect on Girls: Depressive/eating disorders, Anxiety, Poor self-esteem
Effect on Boys: More popular, Pleased by changing bodies
Effect on both: Delinquency, Substance abuse, Academic problems, Associate themselves with an older crowd; exposure to risky behaviors
Late Maturation
Occurrence of pubertal event after the 97th percentile of the normal range
Genital growth takes longer than usual
Formal Operations (Second-Order Operations)
Adolescents ability to systematically relate sets of relationships to each other (how everything connects)
Example: To make a profit, gas station owner must think of price of gas, kinds of customers to pass station, hours needed to stay open, cost of labor, supplies, rent, etc
Not universal, based on specific experiences
Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning
Involves ability to judge an argument entirely on basis of its logical form, regardless of whether argument is true
Example: 1st Premise: Elephants are bigger than mice. 2nd Premise: Dogs are bigger than mice, Conclusion: Therefore, elephants are bigger than dogs
Distinguish between truth and logic
Morality of Justice (Carol Gilligan)
Morality emphasizes issues of rightness, fairness, and equality
"A person's right to live"
Morality of Care
Morality that stresses relationships, compassion, and social obligations
Focuses on relationships, compassion, social obligations
Emerging Adulthood
New stage of development facing individuals between ages of 18-25 in technologically advanced societies
Societies value innovation over tradition
Knowledge and values of parent generations are weakened, less relevant
Youth turn to each other, rather than parents
Prefrontal Cortex
Directly behind forehead
Contribute to abilities involving controlling and regulating thoughts, feelings, behaviors
Limbic System – "Emotion Brain"
Group of brain structures (amygdala, hippocampus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus)
Structure more associated with emotion than reasoning
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) Axis
Responsible for regulating hormones that affect body's growth and functions
Circuit extends from brain to sex organs
Involved in puberty
Consists of: Hypothalamus, Pituitary glands, Sex glands
Regulates hunger, thirst, sexual desire
Connected to endocrine system
Produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Stimulates pituitary gland to release hormones: gonadotropins
These travel to sex glands: produce estrogens (estradiol) and androgens testosterone) – sex hormones
Endocrine System
Network of hormone-secreting glands associated with changed in mood, metabolism, and growth
Sex Hormones
Estrogens and androgens that circulate bloodstream, activating hormone-perceiving receptors located in body
Hormone plays key role in appetite and metabolism
Increase body fat = increase leptin
When reach certain level, puberty hormones released
Evidence: children from well-off countries get puberty earlier than others
Thin, malnutrition = later puberty
Plays key role in activation of HPG axis
Protein produced by cells in hypothalamus
Influenced by leptin and levels of estrogen and androgens
Precocious Puberty
Condition involving activation of HPG axis before age of 8 in girls and 9 in boys
Associated with predispositions to disease: Cancer, diabetes, overweight
5-10% more common in girls than boys
Higher rates in foreign adopted and migrant children in the U.S.
Epistemic Development
Refers to changes in how individuals reason about the nature of knowledge
Children able to create their own beliefs on what is false or not
Experience Sampling Method (ESM)
Tool by developmentalists, participants receive text messages containing Web link survey
Ask teens to describe: Positive and negative experiences, Who they are with, Physical location, How they feel
Desire to participate in highly arousing activities
Encourages youth to leave their families to join peers for exploring new territory and selecting mates
Until frontal lobes matured, adolescents vulnerable to risk-taking, recklessness, emotional problems
Reciprocity: give-and-take of close relationships
Includes sharing emotions, interests, and activities