Most numerous WBCs, have granules and multilobed nuclei, larger than RBCs, responsible for inflammatory response
For adaptive immunity, do not contain granules, have clear cytoplasm and visible nuclei, considered mononuclear leukocytes
Classified as large (10-14 micrometers) or small (6-9 micrometers), increase in large lymphocytes has diagnostic significance in acute viral infection and immune deficiency diseases
Kidney-shaped or U-shaped, have blue-gray foamy cytoplasm, enter tissues and differentiate into macrophages
Erythrocytes (RBCs)
Majority of blood cells, 7.7 micrometers in diameter, contain hemoglobin to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide, lack mitochondria and generate ATP anaerobically, have biconcave shape to facilitate function
Production of red blood cells in bone marrow, liver, spleen, and fetal bone marrow
Plasma components
Other solutes (ions, nutrients, waste, gases, regulatory substances)
Clear portion of plasma with clotting factors removed
ABO blood group
Based on A and B glycolipid antigens on red blood cells