physics(my notes)

Cards (19)

  • SI(Systeme International d'Unites) is a decimal system in which units are divided or multiplied by 10 to give smaller or larger units.
  • Length is the distance travelled by light in a vacuum during a specfic time interval.
  • SI unit of length= metres(m)
  • Parallax error is when u read stuff from the wrong angle and not straight
  • 0.0385 has 3 significant figures. 3 is the most significant while 5 is the least.
  • King = Kilometre
    Henry= Hectometre
    Died= Decametre
    Mother= Metre
    Didn't= Decimetre
    Cry= Centimetre
    Much= Milimetre
  • Volume is the amount of space occupied (m^3) by a substance or object.
  • Area of=
    square= s^2
    rectangle= lXb
    circle= πr^2
  • volume of cylinder= πr^2h
  • always measure the meniscus bottom unless its mercury
  • Second is the time interval for a certain number of energy changes to occur in a caesium atom.
  • Frequency= 1/tp (time period)
  • tp=no. of time/ no. of ocsillation
  • frequency is inversely proportional to time period
  • length of pendulum= length of thread+ radius of bob by a vernoer callipers
  • systematic error= scale reading+x
  • tickertape timers/ dataloggers record short time intervlas in motion experiements
  • Measurement by a micrometer screw gauge= shaft scale +(drum scaleX0.01mm)
  • scalar had magnitude only which vector has both magnitude and direction