internal class DIA

Cards (13)

  • Dunne and Gazely interviewed english secondary school teachers and found they were unconcerned with the underachievement of the wc, felt that they could do little to help, entering them for easier exams rather than pushing their ability
  • Rosenthal and Jacobson investigated the self fulfilling prophecy by telling teachers a select few students were going to spurt from the results of an IQ test, then found that 42% of those had spurted as a result of how they were treated by teachers
  • Ball argues that banding must be removed in order to remove the formation of subcultures; studied a school in the process of abolishing streaming and found that it reduced polarisation, however differentiation by teachers continued
  • Bourdieu came up with idea of habitus - the taken for granted way of thinking by the working class
  • Becker interviewed 60 chicago highschool teachers and found that they was WC pupils as furthest from idea, judging them accordingly
  • Douglas found that those placed in a lower stream faced a decline in their IQ by age 11, and those streamed higher became more confident and achieved higher
  • sugarman argues that the differences in WC/MC values stem from the fact that middle-class jobs are secure careers offering prospects for continuous individual advancment - encouraging ambition, long term planning and commitment - whereas working-class jobs are less secure with no career structure with few promotion opportunities, so he argues working-class parents do not socialise their children into these values, therefore underachieve at school
  • material deprivation includes housing, diet and health, financial support and the cost of education and fear of debt
  • poor housing can affect achievement - overcrowding may mean there is no space to do homework, and also run a greater risk of accidents and ill health
  • diet and health - Howard and Wilkinson
  • Financial support - Tanner - poor children missed out on equipment and opportunities that would enhance educational success
  • fear of debt - Callander and Jackson found that working class student are more debt adverse, seeing more costs than benefits of going to uni and that they were 5x less likely to apply than most debt tolerant students - also because of increased tuition fees and they are less likely to receive support from family
  • Bourdieu argues that the WC lack the knowledge, attitudes and values of the middle class, putting them at a disadvantage because the school highly valued middle class interests and devalues WC culture as 'rough' and inferior - supported by Sullivan