re paper 2

Cards (23)

  • ordinary magisterium

    what the church has always taught
  • extraordinary magisterium

    when the world bishops gather to discuss faith
  • conciliar
    when bishops form a council to discuss issues
  • pontifical
    when a papal infallible statement is made. (papal infallible - the belief that the pope is without error)
  • evangelium vitae
    pope John Paul "respect, protect, love, serve life. every human life" teaches us to care for all and the environment.
  • vatican II
    The church is out of date and needs freshening up.
    • SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM - simple changes to the mass, such as no longer in Latin, priest faces the congregation etc.
    • GAUDIUM ET SPES - catholics to get peace and justice (CAFOD)
    • DEI VERBUM - "word of God" outlined the Bible's importance
    • LUMEN GENTIUM - the ordinary (lay) people to be involved in Church more through things such as readings
  • euthanasia
    voluntary and involuntary.
    Catholics are against this and suggest palliative care
    Jews against due to pikuach nefesh
  • palliative care

    hospice and preventing suffering of the terminally ill.
    it maintains dignity as "thou shall not kill" preserve human life
    suffering is needed to appreciate good
  • quality and sanctity of life
    quality - extent to which life is meaningful
    sanctity- life is God given and sacred
    "God created man in his image" Genesis 1:27
  • Heaven, hell, purgatory
    HEAVEN with the presence of god
    HELL punishment with absence of god
    PURGATORY catholic belief. CCC - "after death, souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary for heaven."

    PARABLE OF RICH MAN & LAZARUS: the greed and lack of love = hell
    PARABLE OF UNMERCIFUL SERVANT: "how many times should I forgive" "not up to 7, but 77 times"
  • The afterlife
    Atheists: ghosts, near-death experiences
    Jesus' return (parausia) and will judge everyone, souls will be reunited to their bodies, resurrection
  • prayers
    raising of the mind and heart to God
    • Formulaic prayer: well known prayers, set words
    eg, Hail Mary, the Lord's Prayer, rosary
    • Extempore prayer: spontaneous prayers made up from own words. so it feels more personal
  • morality
    RELATIVE MORALITY - wrong under certain circumstances
    ABSOLUTE MORALITY - wrong no matter what
    conscience: moral compass of right and wrong
  • capital punishment and crime
    JUSTICE "thou shall not kill"
    RETRIBUTION (revenge) "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth"
    DETERRENCE (stop others from doing the same crime)
    REFORM (educate them) "love thy neighbour"
  • music, prayer, funeral rite
    FAURE'S REQUIEM "lullaby of death" hope of eternal life, choir sings in high pitch to symbolise angels in heaven.
    PASCHAL CANDLE IS LIT dead are believed to be resurrected
    PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD so they spend less time in purgatory
    HOLY WATER SPRINKLED ON COFFIN as a reminder of baptism
    INCENSE symbolising prayers being sent to heaven
  • Jesus' passion
    the last period of Jesus' life, crucifixion
  • Artefacts, sarcophagus & paschal candle
    Sarcophagus: Jesus's death and resurrection triumph over sin. Crown of thorns, jewels. Jesus in glory on the cross.
    Paschal candle: resurrection and victory over death,
    Alpha and omega- Jesus is the beginning and end
  • Redemption & Forgiveness sources
    CCC: "outside of the church there's no salvation"
    salvation is only possible through Jesus the lamb of God.
    Lord's Prayer: "as we forgive those who trespass against us"
    Parable of the Prodigal Son: The father forgives unconditionally, the father symbolises God
    Jesus on the cross: "forgive them for they know not what they do"
    Matthew 5: "if someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer them the other"
  • The nature of the Church
    MATTHEW 18:20 "where 2 or 3 gather in my name, there I am with them"

    The Church is... ONE, HOLY, UNIVERSAL, APOSTLIC.

    Body of Christ. we have parts to play in the Church like a body.
    The Church is a community, when ur baptised u become part of it.
  • Mary as model of the Church
    IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (mother of Jesus)
    she had... Purity (virgin), and Faith (didn't question God)
    Discipleship (stayed at Jesus' cross when the disciples fled)

    • she is the mediator between us and God. we ask her to pray for us
    HAIL MARY "pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death"
  • Church Building
    ALTAR: Jesus sacrifice and salvation
    CRUCIFIX: Jesus died for our sins
    CANDLES: Jesus is the light
    CHURCHES FACE EAST: towards the Holy land, Jesus' home
    CONFESSIONAL: sins confessed and cleansed
    BAPTISMAL FONT: Catholics cleansed of original sin
    TOWER: symbol of prayers rising up to heaven
  • sacraments
    Catholics can feel God's presence through sacraments.
    1. BAPTISM - original sin cleansed, become part of God's family
    2. MARRIAGE- couple stay together through Holy spirit
    3. SICK-share in Jesus' suffering, strength through Holy Spirit
    4. EUCHARIST- holy communion, remember Jesus sacrifice: "Do this in memory of me"
    5. ORDINATION- nun/priest offer whole life to God
    6. RECONCILIATION- confession, person confesses sins and repents
    7. CONFIRMATION- confirm promises made on their behalf firmly.
  • evangelisation
    Spreading the gospel. The CCC and Pope encourage this.
    • LOCALLY: church, mass, sacraments, scouts
    • NATIONALLY: communities, youth events, bishop conferences
    • GLOBALLY: charities like CAFOD, world youth day
    MATTHEW 28:19 - "go make disciples of all nations, baptise them in the name of the father, son, Holy Spirit"
    EVANGELI GAUDIUM: if we love our neighbour, spread the word.

    CHALLENGES: could be disrespectful to other faiths & religions
    Catholics can face abuse for it.