Cards (43)

  • most common cause of pre-renal AKI: Hypotension Gastritis, Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Most common cause of hospital acquired AKI: Acute renal Tubular Necrosis , or prolonged Pre-renal Statue .
  • Two drugs causes AKI and How: NSAID: by Vasoconstriction of Afferent Blood flow , ACEI's : by Efferent Vasodilatation
  • Pathophysilogy of AKI: Pre-renal , Renal and post renal
  • Pre-renal causes of AKI Labs: Increase Bun+creatinine Ration >20% , Decrease FEna <1%
  • Renal Lab: decreased BUN:creatinine Ration , FEna increases >2%
  • Post renal causes : Obstruction from any site till the urethera
  • Post renal Causes Labs: inccrease BUN:Creatinine Ratio
  • Causes of Isolated High Bun reading : Upper GI bleeding.
  • Acute Tubular Necrosis: Caused by : Drugs, toxins and prolonged pre-renal status
  • Acute tubular necrosis Cassts: Muddy brown casts or Granular casts or Epithelial casts
  • Urine Sodium in Acute tubular necrosis: High with FEna >2%
  • Urine Microscopy:RBCs Cast or dysmorphic red cells indicates glomerulonephritis,Muddy brown or granular cast in ATN
    Hyaline cast in pre-renal causes
    WBC cast indicates infection or interstitial nephritis
    Fatty cast in nephrotic syndrome
    Waxy cast in chronic kidney disease
  • Acute interstitial nephritis:- Triad of eosinophilia, fever and rash
    Presence of pyuria and eosinophiluria, hematouriea and protienurea
    Review patient’s medications list: penincillinm Cefuroxime and PPI+ NSAID
    • Eosinophiliuria DDx:- AIN and cholesterol emboli
  • Cholestrol Emboli: Hx of recent PCI , comes presented by AKI+ Rash ( Levido reticularis)
  • Rhabdomyolysis : Dark tea color urine with dipstick +ve for blood but no
    erythrocyte on UA
    Following heat exposure or crush injury
    High CK level
    • Treatment:- IV fluid
  • Electrolytes in Rhabdomyolysis: Looks like Tumor lysis syndrome except there's Hypocalcemia
  • Contrast induced Nephropathy :Increased serum creatinine within 24 to 48 hours following
    contrast exposure
    High risk for CIN:- recent AKI, eGFR < 30
    Only approved prophylaxis is IV 0.9 saline and use of isoosmolar
    or low osmolar contrast
    • No benefit of N-acetylcystine, dialysis post-contrast or sodium
    bicarbonate infusion
  • Indication of acute renal replacement therapy:1- Refractory hyperkalemia
    2- Refractory fluid overload
    3- Refractory acidosis
    4- Uremic pericarditis or uremic encephalopathy
    5- Intoxication
  • Post operative Patient presented with : Diffuse Discomfort , high creatinine and bun : Bladder catheterization
  • Small kidneys on ultrasound suggest chronicity except in:-
    1. DM
    2- HIV
    3- Polycystic kidney disease
    4- Amyloidosis
    The kidneys will preserve its size
    N.B: most common cause of death in ESRD patient is
    cardiovascular diseases
  • Diabetic Nephropathy: Protein > 3.5 Gm in diabetic patient
    Clinical diagnosis, absence of diabetic retinopathy make it unlikely
    cause of proteinuria
    Screen with albumin/creatinine ratio annually starting from:-
    At time of diagnosis for Type 2 DM
    5 years after diagnosis for Type 1 DM
    • Treatment:-
    BP and glucose control
    ACE inhibitors or ARBs
  • If Diabetic patient have Proteinuria with micovascular invovment : no need for renal biopsy, DM+ no Microvascular Diseases = renal Biopsy
  • Delaying progression of CKD:-
    1. BP control
    2- Glycemic control
    3- ACEi in case of proteinuria
    4- SGLT-2 inhibitors (Empagliflozin)
    5- Low protein diet (but not restricted and not in case of
    nephrotic syndrome)
    6- Sodium bicarbonate only in case of metabolic acidosis
  • Anemia in chronic kidney disease:-
    Anemia of chronic inflammation, treated with SC Erythropoietin
    Iron deficiency anemia should be ruled out first and if present to be treated first
    Transferrin saturation < 20% + Ferritin < 100 à Iron supplement
    Transferrin saturation > 20% + Ferritin > 100 à SC Erythropoietin
    EPO in contraindicated in case of malignancy
    Target hemoglobin in CKD:- 1011.5
    • One of side effects of EPO is hypertension
  • Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome : Range of systemic and neurological symptoms occurs during
    dialysis especially in patients in whom dialysis is initially started
    Nausea, vomiting, headache, restlessness, seizure, coma
    Due to rapid shift of urea causing rapid lowering in serum
  • Calculating serum osmolarity: 2xNa+Glucose+BUN
  • Best outpatient method for access to start hemodialysis: AV fistula m takes upto 6 months to maturate
  • Nephrotic syndrome :
    protien in 24 hours urine : > 3.5 Gm
    Urine Casts: Fatty Casts
    Clinical symptoms: Generalized Edema , peri Orbital Edema
    Hyperlipidemia : Yes
    1. Minimal change
    2. 2- Focal segmental Glomuronphritis
    3. membranous
    4. Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Nephritic Syndrome:
    Protien 24 h in Urine: < 3.5 gm
    urine Casts: RBC casts
    Clinical symptoms: Hypertension
    Hyperlipidemia: no
    Diseases: Any other causes
  • Nephoritc and Nephritic syndrome bothe need Renal Biopsy except Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Minimal change disease:- most common in children, excellent response to steroid
    Membranous nephropathy:- associated with SLE, cancer (solid tumor or
    lymphoma), infections (HCV, HBV, syphilis or malaria), drugs like NSAIDs,
    strong association with thrombosis especially renal vein thrombosis, positive
    phospholipase A2 receptor antibody
    Focal segmental glomerlosclerosis:- Obese, black, HIV, Heroin use
    Diabetic nephropathy:- long-standing uncontrolled DM with presence of
  • To decrease protein in all nephrotic syndrome use
    ACEi except in minimal change disease treat the
    underlying cause with Prednisone
  • IgA nephropathy presented within 3 days of URTI
    Post-infectious glomerulonephritis —> 10 days after a
    streptococcal throat infection or longer after a skin infection
  • 90% of PSGN cases has low C3 and CH50 within first 2 weeks
    Returned to normal again within 4-8 weeks
    C4 is usually within normal
  • Causes of glomerulonephritis associated with low serum complements:-
    Post-infectious glomerulonephritis
    Subacute bacterial infection, especially endocarditis
    Systemic lupus erythematosus
    Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
  • Alport syndrome
    Sensorineural hearing loss + Ocular findings (lenticonus)
    In presence of family Hx of ESRD
    Inherited defect in collagen Type 4
    1. ACEI + ARBS are contraindicated together
    2- ACEI + ARBS during pregnancy are contraindicated
    3- ACEI is contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis but can be used if unilateral
    4- HTN + DM = ACEI
    5- HTN + CKD = ACEI
    6- Beta blockers should not be used as a 1st line treatment except in case of CAD
    7- Avoid using CCB in patient with heart failure
    8- Labetalol is the best for HTN in pre-eclampsia
    Keywords for HTN in MCQs:-
    Calcium channel blocker
  • Renal artery stenosis
    Fibromuscular dysplasia + early onset hypertension
    (especially in women) + Atherosclerotic stenosis +
    flash pulmonary edema + asymmetrical kidneys on
    US + rapid deterioration of RFT after using of ACEI
    + bruit near the umbilicus
    Next step: Doppler US
    Definitive diagnosis: CT angiography
  • Drugs causing high K level:-
    β blockers
    ACE inhibitors
    Calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine)