Cards (19)

  • Dance Forms

    • Hip-Hop
    • Street Dance
    • Cheer dance
    • Contemporary Dance
  • Learning Targets

    • I can assess physical activity and exercise
    • I can express sense of belongingness by participating in physical activity-related community services programs
    • I can apply correct techniques to minimize risk of injuries
  • Contemporary Dance

    A popular form of dance that was developed in the early 20th century, against the restrictions associated with traditional ballet, does not use fixed or standard movement patterns
  • Contemporary Dance Pioneers

  • Contemporary Dancers

    • Try to create new forms of dance and ideas like opposing movements
    • Focus on breathing, alignment, and floor work using gravity like pulling them down to the floor
  • Contemporary Dance

    An expressive dance technique composed of a combination of various dances like modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet
  • Contemporary Dance

    • Builds on the foundation of modern dance
    • Dancers use a variety of modern and classical dance techniques
    • Focuses more on the weight of the dancers
    • Employs fall and recovery and improvisation, floorwork and, contract release
  • Contraction
    The action of your body at the moment of the exhalation of your breath
  • Release
    Movement of your body at the moment of inhalation
  • Cunningham Technique

    A dance technique that focuses on the architecture of the body, named after Merce Cunningham, develops strength and flexibility in your spine and legwork
  • Graham Technique

    A dance technique named after Martha Graham, concentrates on contraction, release, fall, and recovery, gives emphasis on floor work using abdominal and pelvic contractions
  • Limon Technique

    A contemporary dance technique named after Jose Limon, employs energy in relation to gravity like fall, rebound, recovery, and suspension
  • Release Technique
    A dance style that focuses on the emphasis of reducing tension in your muscles and joints, creates easiness in the movement for clarity, fluidity, efficient energy, and breath used while releasing unnecessary tension during movement
  • Improvisation Technique

    Manifests the investigation of the body's movement and its relation to performance, demonstrates the continuous improvement of the body through various creative movement explorations
  • Elements of Contemporary Dance

    • Space
    • Shape
    • Time
    • Energy
  • Space
    How the dancers should move through space, including position, size, level, direction, and pathways
  • Shape
    How the body is used while dancing, including wide, twisted, straight, stretched, and curved movements
  • Time
    The use of timing and when to apply actions or movement based on the beats, speeds, intervals, accents, and rhythmic patterns of the music
  • Energy
    The dynamic quality of the body by using forces, tension, and weight, including free-flowing, heavy or light, tight or loose movements