Outstanding credit doubled from 2 billion to 4 billion
1925 - 1929
Average income began to decline
Prices began to fall sharply
21 Oct
Black Thursday - Wall Street Crash
24 Oct 1929
12.5 million shares sold
Unemployment rose from 3.2% in 1929 to 24.9% in 1933
11,000 out of 25,000 US banks failed
80% of American families had no savings and earned less than $2,500 dollars a year
10,000 banks failed
1929 - 1933
Unemployment (1 in 4 Americans couldn't find work)
Hoover vs FDR election
FDR presidency
1933 - 1945
Hawley Smoot Tariff Act increased tariffs on imported goods by 50%
Government provided $423 million for a building program to create new jobs
Rugged individualism, laissez-faire
77 laws passed in FDR's first 100 days
First New Deal (1933 - 1935)
Relief, recovery, reform
After the New Deal, poverty was still high (50%) and so was unemployment (8 million people)
FCA (FarmCredit Administration) made loans to a fifth of all farmers
AAA (Agriculture Adjustment Agency) - prices went up between 1933and 1939
Government killed 6 million piglets and got rid of 1/3 of the South's cotton crop
Dust Bowl - 350,000 people moved to Hoovervilles
Farmers made up 30% of the population
By 1929, companies spent $3 billion annually to advertise their products
Hawley Smoot Tariff Act of 1930 led to less trade and a tariff war/competition
Dust Bowl - 89 million acres of land damaged
how many banks were closing by 1932 a day?
what was a banking act?
emergency banking relief act (1933)
what was the social security act?
1935, old age pension, umemployment benefits
what was fdr's quote
"among american citizens, there should be no forgotten men and no forgotten races"
what was the banking quote
"the most important task waiting for roosevelt at the beginning of the hundred days was stemming the crisis in banking"
what % of women lost jobs due to the 1933 economy act?
"Raw Deal"
the name AA gave the New deal
what is the AAA
agricultural adjustment act
vwhat was the nra
national recovery admin, oversaw industrial recovery, work rights and bargaining for workers
civilian conservation corps, young, white, umemployed and unmarried men were given food and shelter while working on public spaces, eg: parks , forests
how long were the democrats in power?
20 years
what was the name fdr gave to his connection system with the public?