Great Depression Supporting Evidence

Cards (42)

  • Model T's price dropped from $950 to $290
    1914 - 1924
  • Outstanding credit doubled from 2 billion to 4 billion

    1925 - 1929
  • Average income began to decline
  • Prices began to fall sharply
    21 Oct
  • Black Thursday - Wall Street Crash
    24 Oct 1929
  • 12.5 million shares sold
  • Unemployment rose from 3.2% in 1929 to 24.9% in 1933
  • 11,000 out of 25,000 US banks failed
  • 80% of American families had no savings and earned less than $2,500 dollars a year
  • 10,000 banks failed

    1929 - 1933
  • Unemployment (1 in 4 Americans couldn't find work)
  • Hoover vs FDR election
  • FDR presidency

    1933 - 1945
  • Hawley Smoot Tariff Act increased tariffs on imported goods by 50%
  • Government provided $423 million for a building program to create new jobs
  • Hoover
    Rugged individualism, laissez-faire
  • 77 laws passed in FDR's first 100 days
  • First New Deal (1933 - 1935)

    Relief, recovery, reform
  • After the New Deal, poverty was still high (50%) and so was unemployment (8 million people)
  • FCA (Farm Credit Administration) made loans to a fifth of all farmers
  • AAA (Agriculture Adjustment Agency) - prices went up between 1933 and 1939
  • Government killed 6 million piglets and got rid of 1/3 of the South's cotton crop
  • Dust Bowl - 350,000 people moved to Hoovervilles
  • Farmers made up 30% of the population
  • By 1929, companies spent $3 billion annually to advertise their products
  • Hawley Smoot Tariff Act of 1930 led to less trade and a tariff war/competition
  • Dust Bowl - 89 million acres of land damaged
  • how many banks were closing by 1932 a day?
  • what was a banking act?
    emergency banking relief act (1933)
  • what was the social security act?
    1935, old age pension, umemployment benefits
  • what was fdr's quote

    "among american citizens, there should be no forgotten men and no forgotten races"
  • what was the banking quote

    "the most important task waiting for roosevelt at the beginning of the hundred days was stemming the crisis in banking"
  • what % of women lost jobs due to the 1933 economy act?
  • "Raw Deal"

    the name AA gave the New deal
  • what is the AAA
    agricultural adjustment act
  • vwhat was the nra
    national recovery admin, oversaw industrial recovery, work rights and bargaining for workers
  • ccc
    civilian conservation corps, young, white, umemployed and unmarried men were given food and shelter while working on public spaces, eg: parks , forests
  • how long were the democrats in power?
    20 years
  • what was the name fdr gave to his connection system with the public?
    Fireside Chats
  • how did fdr change the govt
    anti laissez-faire, connection with public,