The main objective is to stabilize the GHG concentrations in the atmosphere
Inter-GovernmentalPanelonClimateChange (IPCC)
The results of the First Assessment Report showed that the world is indeed getting warmer. It also emphasized the need for a strong policy action and economically acceptable steps to reduce the effects of global warming
The main task is to coordinate various activities and provide technical support on climate change issues. Through the, the National Action Plan on Climate Change was completed in 1997. The plan aims to integrate climate change concerns in the development plan of government
The Philippines signed the Kyoto Protocol
The Philippines ratified the Kyoto Protocol
An Act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the Framework Strategy and Program on Climate Change, and creating the Climate Change Commission
The Philippine Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation was formulated
Consolidate efforts of the national government, advocacy groups and local government in climate change adaptation in nine major sectors namely, agriculture, biodiversity, coastal and marine, fishery, water, health, energy, and infrastructure
The National Framework Strategy on Climate Change 2010-2022 was adopted
Provided the guiding principles in the formulation of the national and sub-national development planning process
The National Climate Change Action Plan 2011-2028 was formulated
Formulated the country's agenda for climate change mitigation and adaption; and prioritized food security, water sufficiency, ecosystem and environmental stability, human security, climate-smart industries and services, sustainable energy, and capacity development