Cards (64)

  • Sphere is the shape of the Earth according to ancient Greeks.
  • According to Eratosthenes' computations, the circumference of the Earth is 250,000 stadia.
  • Johannes Kepler was recommended by Emperor Rudolf II to be Tycho Brahe's assistant.
  • Using Brahe's observations and data, Kepler's finds out that the shape of the orbit was elliptical.
  • Max Planck proposed the Quantum Theory
  • Light's behavior can be described as waves and particles.
  • Joule (J) is the unit of Energy
  • Nanometer (nm) is the unit of Wavelength.
  • Planck's constant value is 6.626 x 10-34
  • Radio waves - It is measured to have the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Heinrich Hertz - He verified the existence of radio waves or pulses in the late 1880s.
  • James Clerk Maxwell - He is a Scottish physicist who proposed the theory of electromagnetism.
  • Isaac Newton - According to this physicist, speed is relative.
  • ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY - According to this Theory, speed is constant at 186,000 miles per second.
  • Special Theory of Relativity - It was coined and developed by Albert Einstein in 1905.
  • GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY - It was formulated by Albert Einstein in 1915 when he found out that mass causes space to curve and space causes mass to move.
  • PRECESSION - The change in the orientation of the rotational axis
  • PERTURBATION - The disturbance in the regular elliptical movement
  • GRAVITATIONAL WAVE - It is any disturbance in the curvature of space-time brought by massive acceleration of an object.
  • Because of its low energy, red light is considered as "safe light" and ideally used in photographic dark rooms.
  • The human eye can perceive colors because of its cones cells.
  • Each Cone cells contains photosensitive pigment to certain wavelength
  • The L cone is photosensitive to red
  • The M cone is photosensitive to
  • The S cone is photosensitive to blue
  • ELECTRON is definitely a particle when & hits the detection screen and at other times, it's a wave.  But's not a physical wave like a water wave or sound wave, it's a wave that follows the lawsof quantum mechanics.
  • Rene Decartes use Spherical Glass in his experiment, while Sir Isaac Newton use Prism in his experiment.
  • Light is composed of alternating electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other to the direction of propagation.
  • The electromagnetic spectrum (EM) is composed of waves with varying frequencies, thus, carrying different amounts of energy.
  • Reflection is the act of light reflecting back when it hits a medium on a plane.
  • Refraction is the process by which light shifts its path as it travels through a material, causing the light to bend.
  • Dispersion is then separation of white light into its seven color components when there is a refraction or bending of light.
  • Light scattering is the ability of particles to absorb light and scatter it in all directions.
  • Diffraction is the bending of light when it encounters an obstacle or an opening.
  • Interference is the result of the superposing of waves from different sources.
  • Rayleigh Scattering - Our eyes is more sensitive to blue frequencies of light, that is why we see the sky as blue
  • Mie Scattering - The clouds appear white
  • When light rays hit the surface of a concave mirror, the rays tend to meet or converge at the focal point of the mirror creating a real and inverted image.
  • A mirage is an optical phenomenon which creates a displaced image of an object due to refraction of light.
  • A filter can either be a colored glass or cellophane that absorbs certain frequencies of visible light and transmits a particular color frequency that matches the filter's natural frequency.