Noworkdone if there is no movement or the force is perpendicular to the displacement
Positive - has a component in the direction of motion
Zero - has nocomponent in the direction of motion
Negative - has acomponent in the oppositedirection
Energy And conservation of energy
The system's ability to do work.Scalarquantity
Kinetic energy
Energy associated with the motion of body
Potential Energy
Energy stored in a body or system because of its position, shape and state in a gravitationalfield
Elastic Potential Energy
Energy stored in a compressed or stretched spring
Spring constant
The constant K of a spring (unit = N/m)
Averageforceon the spring
Within Elastic Limit, beyondthoselimits the spring may deform
Therateat which work is done or energy is transferred
Principle of conservation of energy: in an isolated system, totalenergy of thatsystem is constant. Initial of totalenergy = final of totalenergy
Instantaneous power
The instantaneous rate of doingwork
Work-energytheorem:Workdonebynetforce on a body = change in body'stotal energy
A measure of the performance of a machine, engine etc. defined as the ratio of the useful (output)workdone to the energy input
Chemical energy
Energy released when chemical bondsbetweenatomsandmolecules are broken
Electrical energy
Energy that is associated with the flowofelectricalcharge
Energythatflows from oneplacetoanother as a result of temperaturedifference
Internal energy
Total of kinetic and potential energy of atoms or molecules within a body
Any material that is unable to withstand a shear stress, responds with an irrecoverableflow
Useful in physics as liquids are incompressible
Mass of substance divided by the volume
Density of water = (1000kg/m3)
Can be found as mg=pVg
Unit of pressure, N/m2
Atmospheric Pressure
1.01 x 10^5 N/m2
Pressureexerted by a fluid at rest
Exertspressure in alldirections
Exerts pressureperpendicular to any surface it compacts
Affected by the depth of the object
Factors affecting pressure
Weight of the object
Force of the atmosphere pressing down
Force of the water pressing up
P = Po + pgh, where Po is the initial pressure, p is the density, g is gravity, and h is the depth below the surface
Absolute pressure
The initialpressure or the difference in the initial and absolutepressure
Gauge pressure
The change in pressure, may or may not be atmosphericpressure
Pascal's Principle
When pressure is applied to an enclosedfluid, the pressure is transmitted equally to every point in the fluid and to everypoint on the walls of the container
Buoyant force
Force that buoys an object upward when it is immersed in a fluid
Archimedes' Principle
An object is buoyedupby a forceequal to the weight of the fluiddisplaced
Buoyant Force
FB = ρVg, where ρ is the density of the fluid and V is the volume of the object